This week has been all the lasts until life as we know it changes irrevocably.....Henri starts school next week. And honestly I was totally fine and very excited for her. Until Tuesday when I could
not stop crying every time I looked at her. How could this be over already? Will she still talk to me? Will her little brother still be her best buddy and the one that makes her laugh the most? Is Hudson going to drive me nuts without his adoring favorite around to entertain him? (spoiler alert: absolutely). Anyway, much agonizing. And maybe it was because I was nervous, but Henri suddenly got apprehensive...and started to clean. Hurray, the kid does take after me! When facing the unknown, we organize something completely unrelated. In consequence, our house currently looks fantastic, and the next two years worth of clothes for the kids has been sorted and binned and labeled. She also reorganized my junk drawer, so now I can't find anything....Then last night we had the new family orientation at school, and though we'd been there two other times, this was exactly what Hen and I needed. I met a bunch of other parents I genuinely liked (also met a few spazzes, but you'll get that anywhere), and Hen got to spend an hour in her classroom with her teacher and familiarize herself with everything as it will be for her. She'd gone last year for a visit, but now she got to see her cubby, sit at her desk, play with her supplies. She went in last night nervous and withdrawn, and came out bubbling over with excitement (and with way more information than I need. Like, the entire history of the 3rd grade parrot who's name is Sampson). So, this week has been mostly preparing. We have first day outfit picked out and ironed (not difficult considering there's a uniform and dress code), backpack packed, lunch menus written up. Then, we just spent as much time outside playing as possible. My one big concern with this school is that there is only one (1!) 20 minute recess. Visions of childhood obesity and a lifetime of sedentary-induced illness haunt my dreams, but I'm sure we can work around it somehow, and I think all the other offerings (they start both computer programming and Spanish in Kindergarten, then Latin in 3rd) will more than balance that worry out.
No big plans for the weekend, just cherishing our last, relatively unscheduled day for a long time.
Last Saturday we went to Hammond Castle to experience the Medieval lifestyle |
Well, the 1920's actually |
The outside gardens were my favorite. Inside was pretty gloomy and musty. |
Huge 800+ pipe experimental organ |
The Great Hall |
Mr. Hammond had commissioned a nude statue of himself that horribly embarrassed his wife, and that his guests used to steal the grape leaf from, haha. |
My pirates digging for gold |
Gram S got them shovels which is making it easier for them to completely ruin what's left of my yard. Craters everywhere. |
Playing Rapunzel |
Anna sent me a link to folding napkins, it adds a touch of fun to the dining experience. |
Not paying attention, then realized I was head to toe purple. Looked like an expiring grape on my run. |
Dental appointments! She did fantastic |
Don't be fooled, he did not. Clinging, crying, barely cooperative. I had to sit in the chair with him on me. But we got a full cleaning in and there were no cavities. |
Hen at school with her rest mat in front of her cubby . She was pretty excited that the teacher gave her a pink mat :) |
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