Sunday, October 28, 2012

Some pictures of KY

I'm baaaack! After a hectic, stressful, fun, exhausting, tearful, bonding, scary, and educational week, I have returned to the homestead and am settling back in. By that I mean I'm ignoring the mountain of schoolwork I need to get started on and am cooking and sewing. Henri and Steve did just fine without me so I might have to go away more often ;) I have a few weeks before I start my clinicals so I'm just trying to get the place in order for my last big push to complete school. About 6 months to go!

Not many pictures from this past week, but here is what I had on my phone:
My solitary cell. It was quite a treat to have a whole room to myself!


The barn where we had classes, library and computer lab

A mural in town dedicated to FNU and its founder, Mary Breckinridge

My torn perineum, Hannah. She was well sutured by the time I left. Here's my practice hand-tied knots.

The main classroom building for the midwives. Treacherous steps leading down to it

The future of midwifery! :)

Mary Breckinridge keeping an eye on all of us as we celebrated in her home

Made H some pants last night during nap time (shadows are weird here; they actually fit really well considering I had to guess on the fit)

And then last night I sewed her a skirt and hand appliqued the shirt. I realize it screams "home made!!" but H was thrilled that it had owls on it and wanted to wear it, so that's all that matters
And in other happenings:
-H used her potty on Thursday and is determined to repeat. Might get this potty training thing started sooner than I'd thought
-A MASSIVE Elmo obsession has taken over H. I can't stand his voice, his stupid questions, even his eyes. H repeats his name at increasing volume until I put it on Netflix. And even then she freaks if he goes off the screen for a second. He's on her diapers as well so she constantly wants a change so she can see him.
-Vocabulary explosion! Actually, she still only says the first syllable of a word so she says the same thing for many things, but she knows what she wants
-Along with that, she's pretty much eating everything we eat. Up till I left I'd still adjust H's meal and ours to keep it soft, basic.....the past few days I've just been serving her whatever and she's been loving it. Of course, the fact I'm letting her dip stuff in ketchup probably hasn't hurt.
-We're still nursing! 18 months! I pumped while I was gone in case she wanted to go back, and thankfully she did without the slightest hesitation or glitch. I'd left instructions that she get at least 2 cups of almond milk a day while I was gone and she's gotten hooked on that, so I'm only offering nursing morning and night, and it's a schedule that should work once I start clinicals.
-I am not pregnant. I'm putting that in here for certain relatives who are spreading the rumor and disbelieving my mom's denials. Happy for those that are, it's just I've been there and done that and once was good for me.

Lots to look forward this week. An epic storm predicted, our 4th anniversary, conference at church, hopefully firming up my schedule for the next two months, dinner out with some friends. Hope you all stay safe!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Quick update

For some reason photostream is being wonky so I can't show you my stuff from today, but I realize I left the last post in a rather bad mood. There was a lot of panic, stress, and many days of separation facing me then. Now? Well, I must say I'm having a blast. Being able to hold Henri and Steve would make it even better, of course, but I'm sort of loving having all this time to study, learn....and just hang out with new friends. It's very much a college feel with tight cliques having formed (I've been slumming with the NP's, haha), lots of laughing, study sessions conducted in our pj's, complete isolation from current events in the world, and mostly just the sense that we're all in this together and no one's going to let anyone else drown. There is another exam coming up I'm a bit apprehensive about only because I'd like to score high, but I think it'll be just fine. And we're getting in to the really good stuff now; suturing (cows tongues and foam blocks), pelvic exams (on each other; visualized my first cervix today! It looked like a picture in a textbook), birth simulations complete with lots of staining fluids, and SOAP notes (ok, I hate the last one, but you have to do them). I'm also racking up a decent charge on my card with all the apps I'm buying for practice and it'll get worse as tomorrow the librarian will be sharing a bunch of others to try.
I had a moment after Skyping with Henri tonight of wishing I was headed home sooner, but I'm sure the time will pass just as fast as it has been up to this point. And in the meantime, I'll continue to debate the merits of getting a wrist tattoo. A bunch of the girls went out tonight to get this image ( little squattier and a bit more rounded at top to make it look like a head) inked and I was very tempted but figured I'd scope out a reputable joint first. I'd do it in white, probably inside of left wrist; symbolic of what I'll be doing (and have worked so hard for) and also to celebrate Henri; if more kids come along, I could add initials or something. Anyway, Papa gave it his blessing (as in: "Joe gets a new one for every level he passes") and it would be my last chance, sort of (isn't this something you really only do in your 20's?). Anyway, I recognize that decisions made while under extreme stress in a group situation might not be the wisest, so I refrained. Tonight.
Sorry, I rambled again. I need to go type up a SOAP note, but wanted to reassure those that might be considering FNU; Clinical Bound really has been a great experience :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fried brains

No, this is not a cooking post with some exotic recipes. It's the state of me at this moment. For those that might not have picked up yet through my constant whining, I'm training to be a nurse-midwife (CNM). To this point I've been online for all of my classes and life has been grand. Now the physical stuff starts, and while I'm thrilled to finally be getting my hands dirty (literally: we've been told to wear scrubs we're OK with staining this whole week...), it's been a lot more work than I anticipated, getting everyone ready for this change. Because it's not just about me anymore. First we moved Henri to daycare. And the first week was great and the second was horrible. But she'll suck it up and life will move on for her. Then, I had to go to Hyden, KY for 8 days of training. This meant prepping a weeks worth of meals, laying out a weeks worth of clothes for Henri (with socks and shoe assignments!), typing out the menus and daily schedules and contact info and allergy info and doctors info and and and. Also the 80+hours of studying that needed to go in to preparing for the intensive week I'd be having, packing for myself, rounding up supplies, the panic of not having any banking information in my name.....So after getting up early (we learned from our last plane adventure), flying and then driving for almost 4 hours, I made it to school. And called Steve only to find out that H (and 2 other kids) had had a reaction to snack and that the fire department and ambulance had been there to check her out but he figured she was fine. AAAAAHHHH. Lets add in some more panic, guilt, and sleep deprivation (as my neighbors decided to chat until 1 and then get up at 6).
And then I discovered that the hours I'd spent memorizing systems in a certain order? Yeah, we're being tested in a completely different way. So I'll be up late tonight too as that check offs early in the morning. And there's tons more to complete, I'm just taking it minute by minute.
So, my apologies for not having a nice chatty update from home. I have a few picts from before I left, but mostly it's just been me staring at a sheet of paper trying to remember to check for light sensation to extremities BEFORE I move on to reflexes and that Cranial Nerve 7 includes symmetry of upward gaze as well as the funny faces. This is so much easier in clinic when you have a reason to be performing these exams and you don't have an examiner standing over you!

She's ready for breakfast!

Can you spot the goldfish? She's been stockpiling them behind the books then grabbing a snack when hungry

Fall Festival at school on Saturday. They had a bubble machine and H was in love

Lots of instruments for the kids to use

She was tickled by the piano but really loved the egg shakers

Tore through a whole package of sticky notes in a few moments

Where I'm stuck staying for the next week
I'm sure a decent nights sleep (and getting through this all) will help my outlook on life quite a bit. Until then, I envy Steve his time with Henri and can't wait to rejoin them!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

VT in the fall

We took advantage of the long weekend for a quick jaunt back home. There was much sitting about, coffee drinking, laughing, Esther Williams viewing, apple procurement, eating, standing in the rain to watch field hockey, golf (Steve and Papa), and snow. Upon our return H had a crummy day at daycare which hopefully was a fluke but might be a delayed reaction to transitioning. I've had a freak-out over all the memorization and studying that needs to be done by Tuesday, had a great time certifying in neonatal resuscitation (I'm nominally capable of intubating! woohoo!), and taken advantage of coupons for free Lindt chocolate balls....and eaten more than my fair share of them.
The following picts are just of our time at home and will probably be of limited interest; you'll note we spent much time in the leaves :)
I love geraniums in terra cotta pots

Leaves are very funny

All is not joyous in the leaf pile

It can be hilariously terrifying

But mostly just hilarious

Most of H's adoration continues to be directed at Papa; here they're enjoying a batch of homemade leaf stew

Anna is definitely the cool aunt

A few of the reds in the area; most everything was pretty yellow this year

Papa's stone walls and gardens are lovely

Photo shoot!
Some yearbookish shots were taken....

Cold and pouring through all but the last 5 minutes of Anna's game

See #5? That's my super talented littlest sister owning this game. Sadly the ref (no doubt in pay of Middlebury) called her for high sticking. Totally uncalled for. They still smoked 'em, 2:0.

Along the High Road

These cows are very tolerant of getting "mooed" at.

And on Monday, there was the promised snow. The Gap was clear by the time we headed over it
As always the time was much too short and I continue to look at available real estate in the area....Probably won't see them until Thanksgiving. Which is in a few weeks. Yikes. 

Friday, October 5, 2012


This has been a big week for us. From the time I knew I was pregnant until Monday I have fretted, cried, panicked, changed my mind a million times, ranted, begged, decided to quit school, known I was the worst Christian mother in the history of the world, and have suffered intense guilt, all on a daily basis. Know why? Because it's impossible to complete my degree without putting Henri in some form of childcare, and who would have a child knowing they were just going to dump them? (OK, I realize there are many reasons for putting your kid in daycare and they're legit, it's just no one I personally know does it). I won't bore you with the ins-and-outs and reasoning's and such, but we settled on an institutional daycare (vs. home-based or nanny). It's affiliated with Steve's job in that there are stricter regulations than the state requires (1:3 teacher ratio, for starters), we get a better rate (though that's relative.....), and being that it's MIT the programming, though loose for this age group, is educationally focused and quite granola crunchy (when we went to visit for a half day we started out in a yoga class. for 1 year olds. ha).

I did a ton a research and reading on how best to prepare your child for this big change (she's been left with a sitter, other than the beloved Kelsea, once in her lifetime, and that was for 3 hours) and basically it boiled down to; "It's going to be rough". OK, I could handle this. What's a boatload more of guilt on top of what I already have? We went shopping together for her lunch box and sheets and a new blankie for nap times. I talked as upbeatedly as possible about how she was a big girl and going to school. And she just did her own thing and didn't have a clue and I wanted to snatch her and run far far away. But that's not what (nominally sane) adults do. So on Monday we went to school.

And the little stinker loves it. And so did I. All the guilt of placing her has now been replaced with guilt over how much I have loved having her in school for three whole days a week. Maybe today will be different and they'll tell me she was sad the whole time, but up to now, she's been thrilled to go. She loves the kids, the new adults to faun over her, all the toys, the outside time, the circle time, the snacks (yeah, a little jealous of all the organic yumminess they get). In fact, only thing she hasn't liked is nap time and that's because she has to stop playing. Ms. Cindy has assured me H is not sad, just throwing an angry temper fit when it's time to lay down (I guess I'm relieved at that, though a bit embarrassed she's throwing a fit for her teacher, but Ms. Cindy is more than prepared to handle such nonsense) but she's taken a nap there every day.

It's meant a change to our nursing schedule (Helloooo, dear friend the pump), and she's been a pill the days she was home, and I think she's already gotten a cold (we've started vitamin supplementation), but it's been the easiest transition I could have dared to imagine. I've been productive beyond belief and wish we'd done this much sooner. We're facing another event in a few weeks when I leave her for 8 days, and up till now I was so sad. I'm sure I will miss her, but seeing how well she does without me, and how matter-of-factly she accepts that I will be back and greets me as such, I'm starting to look forward to some intense uninterrupted learning (and partying....) time.

The camera didn't come out this week as it was recuperating from its vacation, so here are a few from my phone:
Some art work Henri decided to bless us with

The neighbors roses are having a second bloom for the season

First (sunken) apple pie of the fall

Mostly as a way to keep her busy, H has been assigned her morning breakfast dishes as a new chore

She loves it. It also means the floor gets mopped daily now

At school this morning

This is when she was telling me I could take off, she was all set :)

Small car trip this afternoon, so I picked her up two new books to celebrate her first week of school. Note the first one; they now have Jane Eyre, the Austin series and others for babies as a way to introduce them to great literature. "Monkeys" was a huge hit in CA so she's getting her own copy
An example of the P&P book; H might not be amused but I was cracking up in the aisle reading this.
I'm off to re certify in fetal monitoring, luxuriate in the shower with no little hands pulling the shower curtain off, brew my second mug of coffee for the day (mild coffee obsession/addiction going on right now), fold laundry and have it stay folded! and miss my baby. Enjoy this glorious fall weather!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Travels: Part Deux

To continue....

Day 3: Up bright and early (that's a common theme; H was up and bouncing at 0530 each day) and we packed into the car for the trip to Santa Cruz. It was good we got there when we did as by midday there was no parking. Anyway, parked and then headed to the beach where H was more than happy to just lay on her stomach and revel in the sand. Steve put together the kite and we took turns flying it, then we walked out a the pier and watched sea lions sun themselves (they're scary huge with sharp teeth). We had lunch at an old Italian restaurant and spent the afternoon walking the boardwalk and playing some carnival games. They had a pirate themed room and Henri was seriously freaked by the pirate skeleton (don't blame her). That evening we went over to some friends of Steve's and met their parents and two adorable girls and had the most delicious meat buns foisted upon us. I can't say "no" to a meat (or bean curd) bun and a homemade one straight from the steamer? Yeah, you can't end an evening in a better manner. To bed early again because the next morning....

Day 4: We were out of the house by 0600 as that's when Krispy Creme opened. We watched the little donuts meander along their path and turn into delicious hot treats...and then we stuffed our faces!!!!!!! My favorite was the sour cream donuts, and Henri was thrilled I'd bought her 24 holes (of which she got to eat 3). And then we drove. And drove. And drove. Until we got to Yosemite. And then we drove some more up insanely steep twisty roads. Until we were greeted by the most spectacular rock mountains....much more impressive from the ground than the airplane. There was a jaunt to the falls which were not running and then to the look out to see Half Dome. Steve spent the next two evenings watching rock climbing videos and has decided that's going to be his next adventure. Hopefully he sticks to using a harness. We ate a picnic lunch overlooking a meadow and half hoping/half dreading to see a bear (we didn't, sadly) and then another very long drive home. I think the fact that we were all (civilly) speaking to each other by the end is testament to the good friendship we all share, and I think the Honey Nut Cheerios we had for supper helped a lot as well. Needless to say, bed as soon as we got home.

Day 5: Last full day :( David went to work, Kelsea stayed home to make the apartment look even more fabulous, and Steve, Henri and I went to the zoo. Smaller than some, it was the perfect size for us. H loved it, very excited to see all the animals, and you can get very very very close to all of them. We saw the grizzlies getting fed and I saw my first hippo. We ate lunch at In-and-Out then home to pick up Kelsea and meet David at Stanford for the grand tour. We drove down Palm Tree Way (beautiful) and then checked out the bell tower and got a great view of the whole campus, along with a history of the bells from the guide. Sadly the Arts Museum was closed but we did see some statuary as well as an amazing chapel. Then home for a feast. Let me not be remiss in mentioning how well we ate this vacation. Kelsea is truly proficient in Pinterest, David wields a mean grill tong, and we were more than happy to be recipients of their talents. I won't list all our menus for fear of making you jealous, but know such things as avocado mousse, grilled ribs, and apple blueberry cobbler might have been eaten. Also, I learned the secret of how to make the best chicken you will ever eat (sorry, can't share, it's a secret).  We rounded out the evening loading apps onto our phones and Face-timing each other.

And then we went home the next day. Well, actually we got to the airport and gave ourselves 1.5 hours to get settled in, wander the airport, buy Ghiradelli chocolate.....and then the flight got delayed 4 hours. But we got home safely (HUGE thank you to Matt for staying up till 0130 to get us) and once again H was great on the plane and, despite being a full flight, we got a whole row so she could stretch out.
So, that's the vacation. Thank you, David and Kelsea, for letting us stay with you and for treating us so royally. Can't wait to see you both again!

Steve has decided to steal my thunder and post picts on facebook, but for those that haven't seen them yet, more pictures!! :)

She loves her oceans


What's a trip without the couple self portrait?

Carnival atmosphere, quite different from East Coast Ogunquit, haha

We had a blast deciding what they were saying to each other

I wouldn't call them crispy, but the sugar rush certainly woke us all up

New seat assignments

The roads we drove. Note the 1' "guardrails"

The views were totally worth the drive

I think it's a requirement to shoot in B+W while here, right?

Dry falls

Half Dome

Burning off energy

Her favorite animals? The rabbits and chicks

Palm trees as far as you can see

One view from the tower

There are five more of these....

We are happy we got to go, and we're happy to be home. No plans to vacation again any time soon, but it's good to know that if we decide to roam Henri travels well :)