Monday, November 17, 2014

Glimpses from the phone

Typical weeks we've been having over here. Lots of activity, but none of it profound or note-worthy or truly profitable, So I've been pretty terrible about documenting. We're in the midst of a storm, the first we've had in ages, and then the temperature is supposed to drop to true November levels and from here on out I think Henri finally gets her wish of winter. I read on another blog about how this lady never feels the need to spring clean, but goes crazy in the fall, and I completely identify. Come Spring I want to get out of the house. But once the nip in the air arrives, I have a huge "to do" list in anticipation of months (and months) of being cooped up in the same four walls. So I've been washing said walls, and painting, and rearranging, and making lists and throwing everything out. I've got plans and dreams, and if the kids would just sleep a bit longer I'll get them accomplished :) So, what we have been up to:
Pretty boy's hair is getting long

Words can not describe how tickled he was to have his hair done AND to be sitting on the bench with Henri

Steve surprised me with the back issue of Taproot I'd wanted! A few patterns in it I've put in the "to try" line up

Finished up the gutters, He kindly buried the drain spouts so I don't have to see them/trip over them

These would be an obsession but Trader Joe's only had them for the month of October, and by the time I went back to buy a truckload they were gone :/

My first attempt at Jamberry nails. I can't cut straight, line stuff up, or follow multiple precise directions well, so these might not be for me. But I'm told the second time is better, so I'll try them again.  

Went for an impromptu walk up Prospect Hill as far as the park

Great playground, will be better once the kids are a bit older

Steve had Veterans Day off, so we went out to breakfast, up Prospect Hill, then watched a parade. A really fun day!

A warm park day

We've just started to feed the ducks. The kids are more interested in sneaking the bread for themselves, but I love to watch the different families of ducks and how they establish and maintain their pecking order (pun sorta intended). You should see the feathers fly when a subordinate duck dares snag a piece of bread the alpha duck wanted! 

Hm. This child is on a roll lately. You name it, it's not safe. Add in this hysterical pout he's got when I tell him "no", and oh boy, I'm in biiig trouble with this one. 

Snow! Haha, I realize it's nothing, but it's our first and the kids were soooooo excited. 

Came home Saturday afternoon from a conference at church to find Steve had decided it was the day to paint the living room. Despite lots of "help" from the kids, we got it done (huge thanks to Sheffie who really was a help!).

The new color is a cool grey blue, very light, so of course I need all new accents :)

Moved the mirror around and bought a huge sunburst/flower petal one for the West wall. More plans to finish it off, but very happy with how it's all coming along. Truly hated the previous color.

Our "Thankful Tree". Henri's contribution was "going on a bumpy ride that Hudson took me on" and "My Dino light and butterfly pajama's". Hudson's was "forks, paci, and Gertie (his lovie)".  The really fun tags were an Ikea find from the girls afternoon out trip I took yesterday with a friend. 
Hudson is continuing to teeth (Hi, upper molars!) and has a cold. Henri has a cold. I have to judge a homeschool science fair on Friday and should probably bone up on the scientific process. Our lovely neighbor just texted me that she's bringing me a turkey tomorrow (no, really, our neighbors are for real, Sailboat? Grass fed organic beef? Lawn games? Plow out our driveway every storm? Yes, yes, yes, and yes. We are blessed and so humbled by the kindness we're constantly shown. That's why "neighbors" are the first and front tag on the tree). Steve's trying to continue his bike commuting through December but the 30 degree weather might finally defeat that. I just used up the last of our apples (though Mom is hooking me up with some more over Thanksgiving). And in the tradition of my Grandma Elsie, I will finish this by informing you that I only did two loads of laundry today, neither of which I got to hang because of the storm. Off to prep some soup for supper! :)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Finishing out the month

It's been pretty normal around here lately. School, chores, as much outdoor time as humanly possible, sleep deprivation, teething, rash outbreaks, lots of apple baking (good bye diet!), knitting binges (3 baby hats and a good start on some socks last week), a fish that can't decide if he wants to die or just be manic.....Steve and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary this weekend and the folks came down to stay with the kids. I'll do a post later about what it entails to go away for one night without the kids, and while we enjoyed it and all the "experts" say it's vital for your marriage, I think the cost-benefit ration skews strongly in favor of "don't!". But like I said, we did have a good time (think, ate ourselves silly and then wandered wherever we felt like wandering with no whiny kid voices!) and the kids have a fantastic time without us. In fact, when I got Hudson up from his nap on Saturday, he gave me an evil look and demanded to see Papa. :)
In other news, we have finally (drum roll please....) moved Hudson into the kids room AND into a crib. I figured we'd make both transitions at once since he'll scream about both and might as well just get it over with. First night, 30 minutes of hysterical yelling with Henri telling him to be quiet. Last night, not a peep and that was with Hen singing loudly and having her light on. He did wake up once, but though he half-heartedly called for me a few times, he never got up and just repositioned himself on his blankets and went back to sleep. If he still needs to nurse in the night or actually gets up obviously I'll get him, but I think at this point it's just habit, and now that I'm out of sight he's willing to let it go. I hope. We'll see. I know by just writing this tonight will be dreadful, but it's given me hope we might have our room back to ourselves for the first time in, oh, 4 years.

He has a stick of some sort permanently in his hands these days. 

A bit blurry, but he thinks she is the funniest thing ever

Busy guy charging around

Checking out the moss

She's finally letting me put her hair up at times, though it's so fine it falls out pretty quick

The strong winds we've been having flipped the boat, much to the kids delight

They "sailed" all morning


The patio is getting slowly put to bed for the winter. It's such a nice feature of our home

My lavender did great this season!