It continues to be the usual pace around here; a bit hectic, but still plenty of time for snuggling on the couch and reading with our Boo. This coming week I have no clinicals (yay!) but a huge "to do" list that will more than fill my time. Henri has had a cold for the past few days and was a total miserable whine pot today. She just felt crummy and was acting it out. It sounds pretty deep and I hope it's not anything serious, but I'm assuming she takes after me who spent every winter as a kid with a cough that sounded like I was on death's door. So I'm keeping her steamed and she's loving tissues, and we're keeping it low key.
We splurged a bit this afternoon and went to our favorite restaurant, Mr. Sushi. While H likes to play with a roll if I give it to her, she's yet to really eat one, but there's plenty of other stuff there she likes. I'd texted my mom the below photo and she was worried I'd only given H water. So in case you're concerned as well, the following was Henri's lunch: A Happy Baby (to keep her amused till the food came), her
very own cup of water with a
straw (this was a very. big. deal to her), an asparagus sushi roll, rice, miso broth, tofu (some day I'll get to eat the tofu in my soup; right now Steve and I have to give H all of ours as the greedy monster
looooves it), cucumbers, tomatoes, tempura fried sweet potatoes and squash, and oranges. Some days it amazes me that she's still only 21 pounds.
Anyway, I have on my list for the week to "take pictures with the real camera" so I hope to do so :)
We helped decorate the church last weekend. After 5 years, it all comes together pretty seamlessly under the very capable direction and vision of Jessica |
And then back home to decorate our own tree. Henri was enthralled with it and kept hugging it and sniffing it before we put it up. She's pretty much ignored it since :) |
Steve washes the dishes every night (awww). He's found a way to make it more enjoyable: stream McGyver on his pad and tune out the family noise :) |
At Mr. Sushi's today. Note the bags under H's eyes. Poor kid's not doing so hot |
But the cup of water made it all better for a time. (Note: it's not like she's deprived of water at home. She has three cups in constant use and at any given time there's a full sippy within 2 feet of her. It's just that this had a removable straw which meant she could spray us/drip water everywhere and play in it)
Hopefully this drizzle ends soon as I'm itching for a long walk. I'd finally started to lose (a very tiny amount of) weight when the icky weather moved in and that, combined with the amazing carrot cake I just made, seem to be conspiring to undo said progress. And yes, I know cake is not a great diet staple, but Steve made carrot juice and I couldn't let the leftover pulp go to waste. So if anyone wants a slice, just head on over :)
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