Thursday, December 27, 2012

Holidays continue

Two weeks of nothing in a row, my apologies. It's a bit more hectic than usual around here and the camera still retains all its photos. Truthfully, you might not get a proper post for a few more weeks as my schedule is ridiculous and it's pretty packed through January. I'm promising myself a treat come May when this is all behind us. Anyway, Henri is on the mend, we've gotten nothing but rain with this nor'easter, and we finally have Christmas lights up on our house!
And speaking of Henri, here she is on Christmas morning with her favorite gift; an Ergo doll carrier. Bobby now truly goes everywhere with her.

See you in the New Year!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Whats not to love about a baby and HER Ergo? Hope you all have a Happy New Year and a chance to catch your breath. You must be so busy.