Friday, June 1, 2012

Gorgeous weather we've been having, eh? If the whole summer would be like this I'd be one very happy camper. Of course then Henri wouldn't be able to use her new pool...As usual, lots going on but none of it earth-shattering. Classwork is entering the "just get it done" phase of the semester and it's mostly a bunch of little things, a big exam....and a term paper to start and complete. But it seems doable. Thank you to all who filled out my surveys! I think I need two more but they've been promised me on Sunday. Also, a dear doctor who really doesn't know me is not only filling out a survey, he's recruiting others for it. Just lots of little details falling in place in ways that keep reminding me I don't need to be fretting; God's got it under control. Another example? After deferring for a year, finagling childcare, panicking about fitting in pumping, dreading being gone for a whole day from H, I called this afternoon and have been dismissed from jury duty! Of course now I can start to worry that I'll be called for November and it'll be Whitey's case.
While it gives me fits to try to transfer photos over, I do appreciate having my phone camera or I'd have no idea what happened this past week. A quick flip through reminds me that:

-Henri ate another unripe tomato. I'm down to three struggling for survival
-Our fears H would not like her kitchen were unfounded. She's constantly making something, or at least carrying the pots and utensils around
-With warm weather H is no longer in onesies under everything and is very excited to explore/show off her belly to everyone. She's also learning to undress herself
-A Chik-fil-a date in which H ate raw broccoli
-A wee bit more unpacking accomplished. There needs to be some major progress made soon as Katie and Baby T are coming to visit us this week!!!
-A walk around the park in Cambridge for Memorial Day followed by a relaxed supper with our dear (ex)neighbors
-A cat is keeping a close eye on the chipmunk population for me. I appreciate it since they've already dug a hole in my lawn
-Mowing said lawn (it's still fun) and puttering with our plants
-A package for H came from Guam! Thanks, Aunt Whoo-hoo! H was, and continues to be, in love with the farm magnets. I have always hated anything on my fridge and right now it's covered with stuff but it makes H happy...
-H took a pretty nasty fall at church on Wednesday onto cement. She recovered her spirits quickly but looks dreadful and I'm so worried it'll scar; anyone know a way to ensure it won't? I've been applying neosporin twice a day to it
-People are shallow (and so am I for caring). Normally I can't get through a shopping trip without a nice older person stopping us every aisle to coo and try to touch. Thursday, not a soul would make eye contact. H was really sad and it broke my heart to see her wave so enthusiastically and be ignored. Guess she'll need to learn that not everyone finds her irresistible. Still, a little assurance she is still adorable would have been nice.
-I assuaged my mommy-guilt by taking full advantage of the wonderful clothing sales Target was having. Not that she needed it, but I've again doubled my daughters wardrobe (in defense, I did get a lot of stuff for next year. And the fact that she's still in 6mo stuff means it will all get lots of wear)
-H got a new pool and broke in her bathing suit.

Whew, sorry that was a lot of nothing. Enjoyed a walk with a friend this afternoon and lunch at Wrappros (yay for the Lebanese!) and we wandered Moody St tonight (seedy). H is giving Steve and I so much joy lately. She's really testing boundaries and trying to figure out this whole language thing, but she's also showing her sense of humor (it's pretty funny what she finds funny) and being loving, and well, she's just FUN. I like this age, she can stay at it for awhile :)
OK, a few picts to support the claims (in no particular order):
She wouldn't open it herself, but she knows that packages hold good things and she wanted me to open it asap!

Plunked herself down and read through the whole book herself with close inspection of her favorite pages (puppy, duck and horse)

Farm magnets. They really are a lot of fun, H seems close to the turkey for some reason

Dad liked the book, too

New pool toys!
Neighbors roses. All the beauty, none of the work
Surveying her ill-gotten gains
Pool time!
Dressing herself
Memorial Day

Close-up of the carnage

Sorry for the disorder, but at least this time they're all right side up :)


Nikki said...

Henri just gets cuter all the time. Her little scraped up face looks painful. Vitamin e is great for stuff like that. :) We have used it many times.

JG said...

I don't think that will scar... it doesn't look that deep! My biggest advice is DON'T LET HER TOUCH IT! Sophia had scabs from bumps that she got after I finally caved in and got her the MMR, and she picked them off so much they did turn into little scars. :( Hooray for kiddie pools!

Jen Oliver said...

Well (and i know this is overdue) but i think she is still adorable scar and all! (How can people ignore a child waving enthusiastically at them?? Good grief!)