Friday, June 22, 2012

My little model

Very busy, very stressful week. I finished up my semester and it wasn't a pretty push to the end. Still waiting for a grade on a final paper but I don't have high hopes for it. And like the rest of the country, it's miserably hot here. I was worried about Henri getting dehydrated since she prefers to spit her water instead of ingest it...until this morning when on a whim I spritzed a slice of lemon in her water and she drank 2 cups in a row. Yay for simple solutions! Of course she's taking advantage of my concern by eating unlimited popsicles, smoothies and yogurt drops.
I don't remember much about this past week except greeting each new day at midnight as I typed furiously away. We spent each afternoon in the pool and I have a tan (well, as much of one as I've ever had), and Henri has started biting my neck to show affection. Some other highlights of the week:
-A farewell picnic after church for the beloved K and D *sniff*
-Locking myself out of the house and having to drive allll the way back to Steve's work and then on the way back
-Getting the windshield smashed by a rock on the highway
-Getting windshield fixed by a very friendly guy who not only put back all my stickers, he also washed all the windows AND vacuumed out my whole car. This might be standard of care, but my car and I were in shock. Now I just need to wash the outside...
-2 hours H-free spent sipping coffee and working on a paper
-Attempting a 7-day diet that I knew was a bad idea and trying during finals week was especially bad. I cracked Wednesday evening after gaining 2lbs; pounded 2 ice cream bars, a bag of chips and some celery sticks. The next morning I'd lost 3 pounds. Go figure.
-A ripe tomato! Henri and I split it (unevenly; little piggie loves her tomatoes). I'd forgotten how amazing a garden fresh tomato can taste. Can't wait for more. Fortunately, all my plants have lots of buds so there's a chance it won't be long. The cucumber plants also have flowers, there are pea pods lengthening and I have baby peppers!!!!!!!!!! Gardens are just amazing. You say good morning to them every day and give them a drink and it doesn't look like anything is happening and then one day, BAM!, produce.

So, there were actually quite a few photos from this week, but my favorites were of H modeling some new (adorable) Crocs we were gifted. They're too large (maybe next year?) but she refused to take them off so I got a few photos  of her modeling them:
Scan the audience

and work it!

it's all in the eyes

yup, she loves them

Oh, unrelated to the Crocs, but H gets pretty upset if we don't let her "help" with chores. Along with laundry, dishes, sweeping and weeding, she's recently added mowing the lawn to her repertoire.
I have a long list of things to get done this "vacation" but tonight I'm just enjoying having the Boo asleep and control of the remote :) See you next week!

1 comment:

JG said...

Ooh cute modeling photos! It really looks like she's "working it!" Haha. CONGRATS on finishing the semester... yaaaayyy! And happy vacation to you :)