The week is wrapping up much faster than I would like to see and I'm dreading the start of the semester more than I ever have. Maybe it's spring fever, maybe it's that Henri requires so much more time (and is so much more fun), maybe it's because my yarn stash just got an addition and is screaming at me to be knit, maybe it's because I'm just
done with the constant assignments and want to just be a mom and not a midwife anymore...whatever it is, I'm more than a little grumpy about loading my planner with such entries as "Exam 2 due" or "read module 4".
Fortunately we've packed the week with lots of fun, and have a lot to look forward to during this semester (sis-in-law coming to visit, playgroup, buying a house) so I think we'll survive. In the meantime, here's a glimpse of what we've been up to to: (most of it involved digging and eating dirt but I didn't get any shots of that...H looked pretty nasty)
Playing with Dad |
Eating lots more at a time; lunch was mac-n-cheese, black beans and cheerios |
We spent a lot of time with boxes this week |
Weight concerns begin early. She loves the scale and I find it all over the house |
This child really has a ton of toys but her favorite source of amusement is any bag and the recycling contents |
The goldfish obsession continues unabated. They've been the source of countless meltdowns and freak outs, but they also solve any problem in life. Unfortunately she thinks they're called "please" so whenever I tell her to say (sign) Please, she runs to the fridge and looks up to where they're kept. Sigh. |
I'll see you all next week to freak out about how many pointless assignments I have and how I'll never get it all done...and then I will :)
I sympathize with the "busy mom" thing! I think it will all be worth it though... you are pursuing an incredible, deeply enriching career. Think of how many lives you'll touch as a midwife! And all the newborns! Wow. Also have been through the Goldfish obsession... the intensity will probably eventually decrease, but, if she's anything like Sophia, she'll never miss the opportunity to snag a fishie. Heck, my fist is right in the bag with Sophia's when I can be persuaded to buy them! Those things are darn tasty! :D
Oh, glad to hear it's a phase and not just a sign of Henri's insanely intense personality :) And thank you for the encouragement. When I'm being rational and not so short-sighted I realize that finishing my degree is really the best plan for us all. I just wish it would happen faster, haha.
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