Very materialistic week we've been having. On Tuesday we bought a house. And then I bought an iPhone (this was actually a need for school; I prefer buttons over touch screens). Discovered that Market Basket knows nothing about keeping their prices in line with other stores and bought a huge amount of Happy Baby for Henri. Attended a Mary Kay party and bought skin stuff (possibly just power of suggestion, but my face felt awesome and had a lovely glow after the event). We've also added, despite trying to whittle down for the move, grass and garden rake, cleaning supplies, birthday gifts for Henri (because she soooooo needs more toys. not.), boxes and tape, and whole milk. The last tasted delicious.
That's been the week. Buying stuff, packing stuff, making lots of lists and losing them, playing with Henri.
Who, by the way, added the new trick of "blowing a kiss" last night at bedtime. Steve always blows her one as I carry her to bed to nurse and tuck in and last night she did it back with no prompting. So cute, and of course our raving about it made her keep doing it, even when I was trying to nurse her. You could see the wheels spinning; "First rubbing my chest and now sticking out my arm. These people go nuts over the weirdest things. Maybe I should try imitating what they're doing more often". I guess now would be the time to get serious about teaching her sign if I'm going to. I started on "milk" today so maybe she'll start asking instead of just pulling down my shirt. Any suggestions for what else? We've been working on "thank you" and "amen" (for after meal time prayer) but she hasn't used them yet.
Most of these picts are off the phone which I have yet to learn to use properly and uploading was rather hodgepodge so my apologies:
Toddler fashion; she wanted the sweatshirt, hat and only one bootie on. We're starting to get comments when we go out.... |
Allie's farmers market on Saturday |
Henri likes to climb into places and get stuck |
Ogunquit! She loved all that sand everywhere |
Plopped herself down every foot or so to dig and fling sand |
Freezing water didn't faze her a bit |
She was filthy and soaked and extremely ticked when we made her leave |
New house the day we bought it. Sorry, can't seem to get it to rotate :( |
The packing begins in earnest. Henri has learned how to use her car seat to climb on top of all these boxes. |
Adorable outfit from Aunt Anna |
Bellies are a big deal around here right now. She loves to pull up my shirt and tickle me |
New sun hat! And the cooperative model... |
Mary Kay party with consultant making over the hostess |
Setting up for the Ladies Fellowship tomorrow |
Trying to see herself on the camera |
Again, won't flip (sorry). Was very good considering her schedule was so off |
Nothing she likes more than checking herself out on screen :) |
This coming week promises to be a busy one (they all do, don't they?) with a pressing need to get school work done, eye exam (first one in many years, yay!), hopefully play group, and lots and lots of house stuff. I'll try to figure out my camera before next Friday :)
Again, great pics! She is so cute! Looks like she is having alot of fun.
Congratulations on the new house. Henri gets cuter each week. :) That bread looked so yummy. ;)
Our big ones for baby signing (other than what you mentioned) were: Please, more, bath, water, and up (pick me up). We also tried mom, dad, hurt and "help me" but they didn't catch on. In fact, "please" sticks to this day, if she is really excited she will say please and sign it too.
~Stephanie and Mari
Congrats on the new house!!! That is SO exciting! Isn't it amazing how long it takes to pack?! When we moved from MT to MN I thought Travis and I had the house about 90% packed... but then it took another 2 days with 4 people to finish packing! It's crazy. The best part is unpacking and having the opportunity to organize everything. Fun times! :)
I posted my yummy bar recipe under the same post Recent day pictures. Hope you all are doing great.
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