Friday, April 13, 2012

Beginnings, again

So, the semester started on Monday. I participated in roll call, introduced myself in the forums, wrote all my due dates down....and read exactly 4 papers. I have absolutely no motivation whatsoever for either of these classes. I realize that's not what you want your future midwife to be saying, and hopefully it passes, but conducting survey research isn't my thing (totally made up all my data in high school of course, but still...) and the subtleties that comprise antenatal testing, as well as STI's, are completely jumbled with the variability's of  LH levels in my head right now. It might have something to do with the fact that one morning coffee didn't happen and then I decided to see how long I could go without it, and the start of the semester is not a good time for this. I'm back on my drugs (with a new creamer; caramel machiato!) so life should stabilize soon.
Though small, it seems like there are a lot of things starting around here. A few that spring (get it? Spring?) to mind are:
-Henri finally signing "please". I've rubbed my chest raw and she always looks at me like I'm crazy. After church on Sunday I was told by the nursery staff (the beloved Mrs and Mr M) that she'd mooched all the goldfish off the Mr but kept doing this hand motion; was I teaching her sign? Didn't believe them and then Monday I told her to say please and she did it!!!! She'll only sign it once per object she desires and it's not fully consistent but it's a start. She's also picked up "more" though I don't know how since I deliberately did NOT teach her this.
-A cold. At 1901 on Tuesday H's nose started to drip. Not sure if it's teething (the 5th tooth is still working out) or a real illness but she's soaking wet and it's interfering with
-Sleeping through the night! 5 straight nights of 2000-0645. I was awake, but she slept through. So amazingly nice. Back to up 2x/night but the break was lovely.
-This is slightly premature as we don't sign until Tuesday, but we're beginning the trials and travails that belong to the home owner. I'm trying to get excited about this, but really it's scary. What if everything stops working? What if the neighbors play loud music all day and night? What if the yard is full of mosquitoes? What if it was an old drug house and former residents come back and murder us all? Actually, the last one concerns me the most. I'll be installing a few deadbolts on every door as well as windows and investing in a gun, mace, and a Rhodesian Ridgeback.
-Independent imaginative play. H has always been pretty good about entertaining herself for periods of time but now when I look in on her she's setting up her animals, putting hats on them, talking to them as well as using her blocks and other objects in ways she sees me using them. Guess that's more imitative than imaginative? Anyway, she also continues to love books and will throw one at me to read to her, or will sit on the floor and flip through till she comes to the page she likes best where she'll just study it.
-Expressing preferences on her clothing and food. Just now she brought me a hoodie she wanted on, and she's steadfast in her belief that goldfish are the only acceptable meal option out there. Mom says H looks like my sister Abi and I'm starting to think she might have her personality as well (which in the long run is great, it just means the toddler years are going to be, um, interesting).
-Picking up! Another one of those things I despaired of H ever grasping the concept of. This week she's finally starting to put her blocks back in the bag, legos in the wagon, etc and leave them there without throwing a fit. She's rather proud of herself (has to clap after each deposit) and already the place is looking a (tiny) bit neater. It's also revealed that she is definitely a righty; even if the object is in her left hand she'll transfer it before putting it down.
-Lastly, I'm beginning some crafting projects for the fall babies. I'm to be an aunt again, this time to Joe and Katie's baby (sooooooooooo thrilled!) and then a good friend kept quiet for 16 weeks! (little stinker) about her September blessing, so that means knitting! Actually, it means I went to Webb's and got the yarn and patterns and needles and then I'll cast on a row or two and give it to my mom to complete. It works out best for everyone when I employ this method.

Not too many pictures from this week as Easter was our camera day and I've posted those already. So, a few from yesterday of H just hanging out:
Anything that shakes is fair game right now

Acting coy

This is how most of my photo attempts turn out. She turns her back as soon as I try to take a pict or she runs around to get behind the camera to see what's going on

Refuses to wear hats now when it's cold, but they're super fun inside the house

Slowly taking possession of the one denied object in the house; our camera. Seriously, she has unlimited access to everything else but this is the thing she wants the most

Sunsets never look as good in pictures as they do in real life, but this was a lovely one


Sue S said...

Your pictures are always great! Hang in there. She will grow up fast and you will someday wonder where all the time went to. I can hardly believe it! It will be worth it all!

JG said...

I just have to respond to the comment you left on my blog: NOPE! Not getting a wolf pup! They sure are cute though, aren't they? :) We already have 2 adopted mutts (not to mention 2 cats, a goldfish and a horse!) and I think I've reached my pet limit. :)
Hope school is going okay! Vacations are just heaven, aren't they?