I'm posting a bit early this week because I'm expecting at any moment to be prostrated by anguish. Seems we are not to escape the vicious EBC GI bug after all; Steve came home early today and I'm feeling icy fingers on my spine. Praying like crazy that H doesn't get it!
Saturday: A perfect family day. Went to Zoe's for breakfast where H and I shared a plate of french toast and she flirted with the boy the next high chair over. Long walk to Spy Pond (the walk isn't long, we just took our time getting there). Looked at a house (no go). Just lazed. It was lovely
Sunday: Church. Folks over for lunch afterwards. Was introduced to the Gutenberg project; free Wodehouse!!!! I was good and finished my forum posting instead of reading. H turned 9 months old. Yikes!
Monday: Reports begin to trickle in of a massive epidemic at EBC. As I was in nursery for the whole day, I pretty much touched every family that has it. Waiting....Made lasagna for supper and once S got home I headed to TJ Maxx on my own to browse for a bit. Biggest week's news? H took her first step! She was distracted by the item in her hand, but it was an independent, controlled movement so I'm counting it.
Tuesday: Plumber here to fix the leaky bathtub and the dishwasher which won't wash. While I'm totally comfortable breastfeeding in public, for some reason it's really awkward to do it in your own home with a strange guy there. Bathtub fixed, washer did not. Three loads of laundry done.
Wednesday: One of those days where everything went right. Picked up 10 free newspapers with Sundays coupons in it. H was perfect in all of the grocery runs I made. She took a nap and then we went to a playgroup. I'll rave another time when I have more energy, but it was fabulous. Occurs at the nursing home portion of a rehab facility so the old folks come down to play with/watch the kids. Henri LOVED it. There was a guy her age/bigger size that was totally mellow and they "played" for two straight hours together. I got to chat with adults and the residents were so funny/nice. I'm looking forward to next week. Home to an email cancelling church so we kicked back and lazed with a supper from Wrappros and BerryLine.
Thursday: The day where nothing went right. H was up from 12-1:30 and then fussy on and off so S and I are both exhausted. He went in to work early. I overslept and we were rushed out of the house getting to H's 9-mo appt. Where we waited 45 mins for the MD to show up anyway. And then she got a shot. And poked twice with no blood resulting and they were going to try a 3rd time and I said "forget it, give me a script to go to a lab where they know what they're doing" and they were't sure they could do that (?!) but the MD said he'd call me. Which he hasn't. Which is fine by me cause we're switching companies anyway. And then I got home to find the plumber was back and the house a wreck. Migraine from no coffee, slaved over a meal that turned out WAY too spicy and no one ate anyway. H super clingy. S home puking.
How's that for a ray of sunshine to brighten your day? Hope to report back that S was a fluke and the rest of us (H especially) avoided it. Stay healthy!
Squeaky duck |
Love her expressions
She likes to have the doll hat put on whatever toy she's currently playing with
Grump |
Trying to get the camera |
Not happy that she can't have the camera |
Tickled and on to the next mess |
She loves to snuggle on anything soft so we keep a pile of pillows on the ground for her; she'll take short breaks to contemplate and then head off recharged |
Laundry day! |
She was eating the socks |
Snowsuit used to be Uncle Sheffy's. It fits really weird so her arms normally stick straight up. She thinks it's hysterically funny when I put her in it, and it keeps her really warm on our walks |
Sunset. As usual, was prettier before I got the camera out... |
Meal time. She's just getting started making a mess. |
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