I'm baaaack! After a hectic, stressful, fun, exhausting, tearful, bonding, scary, and educational week, I have returned to the homestead and am settling back in. By that I mean I'm ignoring the mountain of schoolwork I need to get started on and am cooking and sewing. Henri and Steve did just fine without me so I might have to go away more often ;) I have a few weeks before I start my clinicals so I'm just trying to get the place in order for my last big push to complete school. About 6 months to go!
Not many pictures from this past week, but here is what I had on my phone:
My solitary cell. It was quite a treat to have a whole room to myself! |
Classroom |
The barn where we had classes, library and computer lab |
A mural in town dedicated to FNU and its founder, Mary Breckinridge |
My torn perineum, Hannah. She was well sutured by the time I left. Here's my practice hand-tied knots. |
The main classroom building for the midwives. Treacherous steps leading down to it |
The future of midwifery! :) |
Mary Breckinridge keeping an eye on all of us as we celebrated in her home |
Made H some pants last night during nap time (shadows are weird here; they actually fit really well considering I had to guess on the fit) |
And then last night I sewed her a skirt and hand appliqued the shirt. I realize it screams "home made!!" but H was thrilled that it had owls on it and wanted to wear it, so that's all that matters |
And in other happenings:
-H used her potty on Thursday and is determined to repeat. Might get this potty training thing started sooner than I'd thought
-A MASSIVE Elmo obsession has taken over H. I can't stand his voice, his stupid questions, even his eyes. H repeats his name at increasing volume until I put it on Netflix. And even then she freaks if he goes off the screen for a second. He's on her diapers as well so she constantly wants a change so she can see him.
-Vocabulary explosion! Actually, she still only says the first syllable of a word so she says the same thing for many things, but she knows what she wants
-Along with that, she's pretty much eating everything we eat. Up till I left I'd still adjust H's meal and ours to keep it soft, basic.....the past few days I've just been serving her whatever and she's been loving it. Of course, the fact I'm letting her dip stuff in ketchup probably hasn't hurt.
-We're still nursing! 18 months! I pumped while I was gone in case she wanted to go back, and thankfully she did without the slightest hesitation or glitch. I'd left instructions that she get at least 2 cups of almond milk a day while I was gone and she's gotten hooked on that, so I'm only offering nursing morning and night, and it's a schedule that should work once I start clinicals.
-I am
not pregnant. I'm putting that in here for certain relatives who are spreading the rumor and disbelieving my mom's denials. Happy for those that are, it's just I've been there and done that and once was good for me.
Lots to look forward this week. An epic storm predicted, our 4th anniversary, conference at church, hopefully firming up my schedule for the next two months, dinner out with some friends. Hope you all stay safe!
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