I have a dump of pictures for your perusing pleasure, but before we get to the mindless stuff, may I draw your attention to a few (quick) things.
Our church has been blessed with an abundance of babies over the years. Like most such organizations, it fluxes in number but right now we seem to be on the large brood every two years with one or two in the in-between. (Example: last year there were 5 (all girls), this year one (boy!!!!! in 3 weeks!!!!!!!!...I'm super excited) and next year we're expecting three so far). And each time, I hear the same refrains, mostly from the guys, and it seems to me time to correct some misconceptions.
1) You do not get pregnant from drinking water. I'm almost done my didactic training and I can state positively that there have been no recorded cases of conception via H2O ingestion. I'd like to think the men are trying to be funny when stating "it's something in the water" but it's said so frequently I'm becoming concerned at A) they really don't have a clue about contraception (hence our population growth) and B) their kids are hearing this and I fear they'll think this is the "birds and bees" talk way before they get the facts. If this comes as news to you, I'd be more than happy to explain the conception process and the males' role in it. Which brings me to....
2) "WE" are
not pregnant. Your wife is. No one doubts your interest in, excitement about, and involvement in the process (see #1), but
you are not pregnant. Every time I hear a guy say that, I cringe, and pity the family because it's a huge red flag that he is in no way ready to step up and be a proper dad. Know why? Because the guys role is support in all of this. It's a huge role, it's a very important role, but it's a sacrificial one. Nothing is about you anymore. Sorry. Time, energy, talents, time, money, time...it's all going to need to go to the family. So to try and call attention to yourself by claiming a physical improbability, well, grow up. (And while you're at it, stop mocking your wife's pregnancy symptoms. They really do suck and it's freaky having this thing completely take over your body and mind. Show some support).***
3) OK, this is just personal feelings being hurt, but quit asking if I'm pregnant the moment you hear someone else is. I'm well aware I have not returned to supermodel physique in even a reasonable amount of time, and (not that it's any of your business) I'm working on that, but I have slightly more important things to do with my time than spend hours at the gym like I could before having children. And saying "isn't it about time you make your own announcement?" is the same thing as telling someone they look 9 months pregnant.
4) Please keep telling me how you're going to parent and what your child will never be allowed to do. I know I did it and I'm assuming I gave the veteran parents as much joy and mirth as you're giving me. So any time you want to discuss your planned sleep schedule or organic garden patch or hand spun clothing, I'm all ears. Because you'll soon learn that every parent needs a really hard laugh at least once a day to survive.
Thank you. We now return to our regularly scheduled week-in-review :)
Miserable-looking fox sunning on the neighbors patio |
Henri's first Pop's concert at Tanglewood. Perfect venue for introducing your kids to live music |
Warming up |
View from the grounds |
To keep the peace, we went to the Basketball Hall of Fame |
My favorite photo there |
Lots of great interactive displays |
This sorta summed up the trip, hahaha |
A shoe flag |
My study/craft closet before |
In progress. FYI, this was not the color I thought it would be... |
Little punk |
She still loves books, both to be read to and to read to herself. |
We might need to get her a swing set, she gets frustrated that she can't slide very well on this |
Remnants of an onion H picked and has been peeling each day. She really loves it, cuddles it, carries it around the yard, looks for it each day. This child needs a pet. |
The hostas have been losing their petals like crazy to H |
Kitty overload! |
An honesty shot. What the house looks like on a normal morning |
Teething |
Big helper bringing in the clothespins. They weigh quite a bit in comparison to her but she's eager to haul them in for me :) |
Lots of readings, accumulating of paperwork for clinicals, starting to prep for our vacation (!), teaching Henri her letters (she's good on "A", "B" and "E"), and having to start hiding the good food from H (chips) as that's all she wants to eat once she spots it. Hope you're enjoying this gorgeous streak of weather!
***I should make mention of the fact that the above generalization is in no way embodied by Steve. His name could easily have been "supportive" throughout my entire pregnancy, he made stupid comments about pregnancy/conception exactly once and has not repeated the offense, and he tells me I'm beautiful daily. I'm well aware I lucked out with him.
Ha! Amen!
Also, I love the new closet color, even if it's not what you expected!
I found myself smiling alot as I read this post..and looked at your pictures. Thanks for sharing!
Haha... love the public service announcement! I have to say that I'm the one who proclaims "WE are pregnant" (Travis hasn't taken that leap, although he might have said "we're having a baby") because I feel like I'm being very modern and inclusive when I say it that way. But you're right! Other than finger cramps from my massage demands and ducking when I throw things (haha... jk!) he doesn't experience much of the pregnancy! And I like the closet color too :) Cute pics! Henri is so cute... what a little personality. Love the punk pic!
So great! My fav is #4-perfect ;-) People say such crazy things. Can we add all the questions and comments about my reproduction choices voiced by near strangers? Beyond annoying to me. As in: person I haven't seen in 10 years in the supermarket telling me it must be time for another child. Ok, not so much anymore since everyone (except Jenn!) has given up on me. But still. One friend suggested I answer something along the lines of, "well we've been trying for years and just lost a baby . . ." Think people!
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