We still have another month of gnarly weather, but this week has been delicious already! We were out for 3 hours yesterday (the snow is finally packy enough to walk on top so there was some space to play) and I have a sunburn. I was planning to hang out my laundry but then realized we still have 3-4' of snow so the clothes would never clear the ground. To make up for it I opened up all the house windows :)
Last Friday I took the kids to Ikea for the morning. It used to be my favorite store, but Hen has never really liked it, and Hud hates just about all shopping. But this time we went with the intention of letting them run wild ( I am so
not that kind of a mom, but we really really needed some exercise outlet!) and why did we not go earlier???? Hen was
juuuussst tall enough (with her shoes on, oops) to qualify for Smalland, and in she went without a backwards glance. She and the worker tell me she loved it. Hudson and I went upstairs to the kids stuff and he rearranged all the chairs for an hour (and asked and looked for Henri constantly). Then we picked up Hen and went through the store three times. We spent about 30 minutes in one kitchen display alone while Henri read a book and Hudson opened every.single.drawer and cupboard. He was blissed out! A hotdog lunch and then they both took 3 hour naps (actually had to wake them up to go get Steve). So basically, a fabulous and free outing. We even met a mom there with a 2 year old and the kids all played together in the living room chair section for a long time while the mom and I chatted. Don't know her name, but she was lovely and expecting her second, and we discussed double strollers, lol.
Other than that, still same ol', same ol'. Can't wait to have enough snow melt so I can start getting to the shed to put the stroller in there so I don't have to fight it up the stairs. And, quick shout out to Market Basket for continuing to be the amazing grocery store that it is. $60 for a full weeks worth of food for a family of four is my kind of a place. Plus we always go on Tuesdays so we can see one of the cashiers (Patti, her bagger is Laurie) because she's such a lift to my spirit. It makes check out take twice as long, but I love to chat with her.
Not the most willing model, but I sewed Hen's Easter dress. It's a great spinning dress. Working on matching suspenders and a bow tie for Hudson. |
He loves to hold hands with Hen on our walks, he just insists on using both of his :) |
Sooooo terrible for our waistlines, but we've hit up 5Guys two Sundays in a row now. Their food is divine. Learned that a small order of fries would comfortably feed us all. The large (oops) was enough for the entire restaurant.... |
Painting |
Clearly my instructions were ambiguous |
Look how much has melted! That's still 3', but much better than the 6! The song birds have made a comeback this week as well. So much hope in the air :) |
One last bit of "news", only because it has never happened and won't happen again: Henri slept in till 9 this morning. Actually had to wake her up. Sadly, Hudson was up at his usual 0530, but still. Maybe he'll start to take after his sister! :)
Wow!!!! You all have been busy! :) We have been LOVING this weather, it really gave us hope for spring. I wish we had an Ikea here. I was going to place an order once but the shipping was going to be $$$$$. Hoping someday to visit one of their stores.
You sew beautifully!!! I love Henri's dress, that is adorable. :) I can imagine matching bow tie for your little guy would be TOO CUTE! What do you use for a pattern for them ? Or do you wing it?
At least Hudson didn't decide to eat the paint
Hi Nikki! I followed a Pinterest tutorial, but most just wung it. And Ikea is great if you're close by, but not worth it to ship!
Dave, um....he did take a little lick. But I opted to clean him up instead of photograph ;)
LOVE the painting pictures. :) :) :)
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