Thursday, August 14, 2014


It has happened, the littlest one has entered toddlerhood. He's not really toddling anymore, more like sprinting, and I'm missing the cuddles....but mostly because a friend just had the most adorable baby ever and getting to snuggle Her Squishiness makes one want to have their own, but then you remember what it's really like and that's enough to make you enjoy the love and then hand it back :) I'll probably regret saying this as soon as this afternoon, but my kids are pretty fun little humans. I genuinely enjoy hanging out with them. This is supposed to be about Hudson so I'll try to stay focused, but Henri has had a few good weeks and the way her brain works is cracking me up. I'm seeing glimpses of the promised 4 year old reprieve :)

So, Hudson:

Personality: Tough to say, actually. He's got a sense of humor that's easily tickled. He wants to be admired and knows how to get the attention of anyone. Same as most kids, likes his routine. Sees the grass as greener on the other side and always wants what he doesn't currently have. Busy, not one to sit quietly and observe anymore. He gets over parental disapproval very quickly. As in, I tell him "no" and look stern, he might turn away briefly but then gets right back into whatever mischief he was in. If I take him away physically he screams, but only because he was thwarted, not because he feels bad about upsetting his parents. Very different from his sister! Discipline has been lax with him because of this. So I guess you'd say he is stubborn. And very very very determined. Purposeful. And cheeky :) But he's also very affectionate and gives the best kisses and hugs I've ever seen a baby give. He's also a true mamma's boy and needs to have me at his side all.the.time. Dad is starting to be an acceptable substitute.

Physical: Hudson's had a big spurt in this the past month. I figured he'd do everything all at once since it took so long for him to do anything and I was right. He's running now, can get from sit to stand without pulling up. He's signing "please" and uses it to get whatever he wants. He can say: Mem, Dad, Hi, Bye, Oh Yeah, Boob (he does this in a very piteous moaning voice like he hasn't eaten in 3 days, all the while pulling down my shirt), Quack (when he sees a picture of a duck), Hot. He makes a woofing noise when he sees a dog and this hilarious half woof/half mew when he sees a cat (his sole ambition in life right now seems to be to touch a cat. So far all the ones he's encountered have skirted wide around him). He loves to throw balls and has a pretty good arm. Picking up small objects and placing them in a container will occupy him for awhile, he loves to wave flags, and carrying a stick at all times seems very important to him. He's a climber with great upper body strength. We moved Hen to a loft bed a few days ago and I came in to her room to find that Hudson had climbed the ladder (4 rungs) and was up there with her. He's going to be the death of me.
Right now he's got 8 teeth but I can feel more coming in. He's 20# even, not sure of height. His hair remains a true red (love it but starting to get sick of everyone commenting on it. Yes, random stranger, I am aware my child is a ginger) though some of the growth in the back is a lot lighter so I still think he's going to be a dirty blond eventually. Lastly, he still has super sensitive skin and everything seems to trigger an allergic reaction. He's a hive-y mess, poor kid.

Food: Not great, actually. He wants to taste anything if you're eating, and he can sniff out a sugary snack like he's an ant or something, but actually eating a full meal is a struggle. Not really a struggle since I'm pretty laid back about food, but annoying as Henri was (and is!) a fabulous eater so I've never even had to consider if she was getting all her nutrients (I mean, what 3 year old scarfs sushi and enjoys balsamic vinegar as a condiment?). The only predictable food he will eat is a sunbutter and jelly sandwich. Also muffins. And lately rice cakes. Usually anything with curry. He also loves water and green smoothies (thank goodness. It's the only way he gets veggies!). Otherwise he wants to be given the food so that he can throw it on the floor. Fortunately, he loves his boobies and still nurses 6-8x/day so I'm sure he's fine.

Sleep: Always in flux. For the past month or so it's been thus: Awake at 6a sharp. Nap around 9a till 10:30aish. Afternoon nap from 1-3. Bed at 8p. Awake somewhere between 3a and 4:30a for a nurse then back to sleep. He has a scary accurate internal clock, and lately has been asking to go to bed around 7:30 which is fine with me! He asks for "boob" and then walks towards his bed, comes back crying if you don't follow immediately. I can't complain about a kid that likes bedtime! He nurses and goes to bed drowsy with two pacis and his lovey named Gertrude. He half sits up, picks her up and looks at her, tucks her under his chin, and then lays down on her, closes his eyes, and falls asleep. Probably my favorite thing to watch ever.

Names: Huddie, Buddy, Lover, Love Bug, Hudson Budson,

Likes: Mom, Dad, Henri, grandparents, Aunt Payte, ice cream, spitting, music, dancing, being read Global Babies, going out in public to people watch, his cuppie of water, his neck being kissed, being held upside down.

Dislikes: Food if it's healthy, Henri napping when he's awake, getting wet at the spray park, sudden or loud noises, nursery at church, dogs up close, mom holding other kids, being tired or off schedule, being tossed up or held in the air above your head.

I'd wax on gushingly about how he's the light of my life, couldn't imagine a time without him, how he brings so much joy etc, etc., but right now it's only 30 minutes into nap time and he's thrown everything out of his crib and is screaming and shaking the rails, so I'll go deal with that instead. He is indeed our love bug, but like a true toddler he can also be a stink bug :)


Anonymous said...

HE IS SOOOOOOOOO Adorable!!!!! :)LOVE reading his updates.

Diane said...

Happy Birthday Hudson! Still love reading your blogs Meredith! Would love to come visit after the chaotic summer is over! Diane