Hello! This week was very Marchish; in like a lion, out like a lamb. Henri was still ill and teething so quite whiny. Then Saturday she stopped nursing. I'd heard of nursing strikes, but figured we had suffered enough in the beginning of our nursing relationship that we'd be spared that. Nope. She freaked whenever I tried to put her to boob and it clearly distressed her that she couldn't seem to remember how to nurse. I was a mess thinking it was all over and that I was back to exclusive pumping (major pain when you have a curious toddler who keeps unplugging the pump, tipping over the full bottles, and then refusing to drink the milk no matter how you present it). On Sunday I stayed home from church as she was still drippy and called the on-call nurse who was extremely nice and encouraging and basically told me to chill. But I still took her in on Monday. No sooner had I made the appointment than she started nursing. And wouldn't stop. And was back to her normal self. And the no-nonsense NP told me she was fine and that I was fine and that everything would be fine. And it was.
Tuesday Henri and I took off for Vermont to surprise my mom for her birthday. We enjoyed just relaxing at home with no way of connecting to the outside world, eating great food (Papa made an amazing veggie lasagna for the birthday dinner), and watching Henri dominate another household (she worships Papa and it's pretty mutual).
Not too many photos since I kept the camera away for the most part, and don't want to post picts of my younger siblings, but here are a few of the week:
Had some folks over for lunch on Saturday and got all Spring-y with the table settings |
Papa pushed H around the house in this basket every night; she loved it |
Lots of fun toys at Gramma and Papa's |
Birthday girl opening her presents; she got a weather station from Papa! |
A rare brief pause in running around and around and around the house |
Snow flurries! Was very icy driving back today on some of the mountain passes |
Poor flowers |
Anticipation |
Five teeth now |
Another one of those idyllic VT scenes that really aren't contrived; (one of) Mom's workbaskets |
OK, she's actually happy here but it's hard to see. I gave her goldfish (Parmesan) today for the first time and we have a girl in love. I was trying to get her to show me the one in her hand but she thought I was going to take it away, hence the face (and the tightly gripped fishy) |
So, we're back home and facing a long list of tasks to accomplish before the semester starts on the 9th. Steve is calculating the odds of winning the current lottery (0.00000056%) but still won't let me buy a ticket. And we wait for the bank inspection. Looking forward to basketball viewing, good food, possible Webb's trip (!) and just enjoying my recuperated Boo.
I LOVE seeing pics of your parents! I haven't seen them in years! Your dad looks the same to me. Sounds like fun, and like your mom had a great birthday. I must say too that Henri has the most beautiful eyes!!! And don't feel silly about being paranoid... that's a symptom of being a great mom, in my opinion ;) (I prefer that to thinking I'm crazy!)
Haha, your thinking sounds like mine ("I'm not crazy, everyone else is for not thinking like me!") And I'll have to think about doing a birth story post. I love reading everyone elses, but mine wasn't what I'd had in mind...When are you coming to VT again?
Hi Meredith,
I think you should do a post on your birth story as well. I LOVE to read them and even when they do not go as planned it is YOUR story and they are all so different. :) Sometimes we find that things do not go quite as we may have written them but then we KNOW that God is still in control and HIS ways are PERFECT!!!! Henri is ADORABLE!!!!!
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