I'd heard a lot about the every day drudgery of being a mom. About how it feels like you do the same thing over and over (and over). Up till now, I didn't really get it. Our days are pretty similar because while I'm not a stickler for rigid schedules, Henri is predictable in her routines and, except for Wednesdays and Sundays, we follow the same pattern every day (wake up, nurse, Henri runs around while I make coffee and her cream of wheat, she eats it, plays and gets read to, we do house chores, fussy and nap with nurse at 10ish, homework, H is up for another nurse and then lunch, walk, nurse, fuss and play, nurse and nap, up for supper, dad home, play, nurse, bed...and then homework for me). Uneventful for sure, but satisfying to both. That all changed this week. I'm not sure if it's the nasty cold she has (sorry, all the following picts feature a very snotty kid, but that's current life around here) or we've entered a destructive phase but she can't
stand to have anything in its proper place. I literally follow her all day around the house picking up what she's just yanked off/scattered/ripped/chewed and spat out/thrown/hidden or tipped. The floors gets swept after every meal and in between but I'm still stepping on grit. She's in a perpetual state of sogginess from drool, snot and the water (HOW do you teach a kid to use a cup??? whenever she gets any water out she gleefully sprays it everywhere!). I know this sounds like complaining, but at the moment I find it more amazing than irritating. That this tiny little bugger can make the cyclonic mess she can in the time frame she does astounds me. And lets face it, housework has never been my forte. Also I'm hoping all this bending and squats will help with the renewed commitment to weight loss....
Given the fact that we've been mostly home bound because of the cold there are no interesting photos of the week. The following is me trailing H as she puts the house into the order she likes best:
Dad's wallet, perpetual source of delight |
The living room after Henri's sauntered through |
She got hold of a ball of string and unwound it all over the house |
More string... |
The tissue box! Given her constant drip I've needed it where I could get to it easily. Which meant she could get to it easily |
More tissue strewing |
Makes the original mess all that much better |
I keep finding small wads in the strangest places |
How to get what you're not supposed to have. Step one: spot it while standing on tip toe |
Step 2: Streeeeeeeeeeetch |
Inspect what you've just snagged |
Look guiltily triumphant (and run...hence the blurriness) |
Take a quick break from destruction to sweep (and resort the recycling) |
She wanted it to be laundry day |
Learning to shut the door to keep mom away when she's being naughty |
She loves to carry anything that has a handle or a strap |
And a few random shots from the week:
Not feeling so hot |
She wants to see what I'm taking a picture of as I take them so she's always running around behind me. Taking lots of over-the-shoulder shots |
She waves whenever she hears the word "hi" or "bye" |
Plays "So Big!". |
That's been our week. Runny nose, picking up, lots of tears and laughing. Also:
Semester's over! (with decent grades, phew)
A midwife called me back and we're in the midst of emailing details and such. Nothing certain, but she's showing interest
Still waiting on the bank inspection....
Lots of home baked treats
Long walks every day in this insane heat
A new box fan!
Hi Meredith! I'm so glad that you found my blog... and I found yours!!! You take beautiful pictures and you're such a lovely writer... I just love your blog! It's really neat to see your little family and Henri... it's like running into an old friend at the grocery store (which never happens for me since I live in MN!). And I think it's AWESOME that you are training to be a CNM! I've really been wrestling with using my CNM and the birth center again or trying a home birth for this next one (which will be my last one!). Decisions, decisions. I really do love my CNM... it would be hard to give him up! Anyhow, congrats on all your excitement and I'm thrilled to find a new blog to stalk ;)
Okay one more thing! I just devoured your blog :) And I didn't find your birth story??!! Did I miss it? That's every mom's favorite read! I know I've only been following your blog for like 5 hours and so I really have no place being so demanding but... birth stories are the best! Even when they aren't Hollywood perfect; it's a tribute to the strength and resilience of women and the blinding love and sacrifice of motherhood. I just had to throw that out there!
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