This has been one of those weeks were I feel like I was always behind on something, but not much actually got accomplished. Probably most frustrating was the fact that my preceptor emailed to inform me she can no longer be my preceptor, so I've been scrambling to find another. And no one is calling back. In the grand scheme of life not a travesty, but I've put two years into schooling already and my clinical placement is pretty integral to completing this. So if any of you know a nurse midwife in the greater Boston area who would like a student for 6 months, I'd be most grateful to hear of them (and thank you to those who have given me contacts. I've called them all, and...well, no call backs. Will be perched on their doorstep next week).
However, all has not been doom and gloom this past week. Yes, I did crummy on another exam, but I did fantastic on a paper. Yes, we spent an inordinate amount of time driving, but we had a blast with family and Henri was a superb traveler (though, and I can't believe I'm saying this, we will be buying a DVD player for the car for her. My arm is still numb from holding the ipod so she could watch videos of herself). Yes, I'm severely sleep deprived from time change and homework, but Henri has been consistently taking a TWO HOUR morning nap! (I get in my emailing, homework, coffee, toilet break by myself AND blog checking almost every day. Bliss!).
And, Henri has just been a riot. She's running everywhere, rarely crawls anymore, so we've been going to the park to let her explore. She's in love with her lovie, Ellie, and even after waking from her nap is content in her crib for another 20 minutes just chatting with her. She's taking it on herself to "help" with more chores (she now puts away the groceries and wipes down the toilet cover as well as scrubbing her tray after eating, emptying the dishwasher and flinging laundry). She's still not sleeping through the night but she's happy to go to bed at 8, and if she's not tired she just plays with Ellie. She also likes her food so meal times are fun. In the last 24 hours she's had: cream of wheat w maple syrup, banana, Happy Baby puree, hummus and quinoa, kiwi, miso soup with lots of tofu and rice, cheerios, bread, pineapple chunks. Also a lemon slice and a carrot and cucumber and lots of nursing. No wonder she's put on a pound! (Up to 17.5 now!). One last brag: She found "Pat the Bunny" on the shelf in our room and figured it all out on her own. She's obsessed. She pats the bunny (whacks the bunny), looks at herself in the mirror, plays "peek-a-boo" with Paul and even waves "bye" when she reaches the end. I know she can't read, but I was pretty impressed that she discovered how to do everything on her own.
OK, enough blathering about boring daily life. Some picts!:
Love a man who's into baby wearing |
somehow this was right side up before. large tree by the brook |
Attempt #796 at a family portrait |
Cousins! As is true of all second babies, somehow we have next to none of Ella. Oops. |
I think they're an ER visit waiting to happen, but H loved the trampoline |
Warm sunny day to run around outside |
My obsession this week. Free pasta! Forced myself to stop after 50 boxes, but it took a lot of self restraint. This couponing thing can be pretty fun! (when someone else does all the work of figuring out where the deals are) |
H is her Grandma's girl; obsessed with bags. Today she discovered gum.... |
Pineapple! When she gets something she really likes her head goes down and she doesn't come up for air till it's gone. |
Other occurrences of the week:
P&S signed, the bank pretty much owns our souls
One week left in this semester, lots of procrastinating
Bit too much raw fish in this last lunch at Mr. Sushi. Leftovers will make a nice broiled fish dinner.
Pioneer Woman live in Brookline
Yummy fresh hummus sandwich from Flour
Park playdates
Lots of long walks
1st sunburn of the season
Lots of drool (H, not me) so guessing more teeth are on their way
Next Friday ends the semester but no plans for my time off yet. I'm sure it'll be squandered in much the same manner as most of my days =D