Less than a month since I last posted! Wow, don't expect this become a habit. H and I just came back from a trip to VT to see family and the leaves and just have a break from the city. Unfortunatly H has become a confirmed homebody and her sleep went kaput. Might have something to do with dad not being there...anyways, we went and it was wonderful to breath some clean air and just hang. We'd recently purchased our first SLR camera and even on auto setting the difference is amazing. So, here's a few shots I grabbed between the rain:
She's got the army crawl down and is working hard on the all-fours one |
Fuzzy hat from Old Navy; she loved to rub it |
She loves her aunts and they're really good with her so it's a break for me and when I leave, it's a break for them =D I'm slightly regretting the trip only because I whined to Anna about how out of shape I am and that I still have a good 25 pounds to lose to get back to wedding weight (alomost 3 years ago!!!) and she's put me on a program. Day one almost killed me and I'm still sore. Embarrasing. But she has proven results (Papa looks AMAZING!) so I have hope of reward...maybe that baklava I'm planning to make on Thursday . Off to play with my attention demanding daughter. Who's developing quite the sense of humor and wants me to appreciate it at every moment...even 3am.
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