1) I live in a great apartment. No, there are no fancy ammenities, no soaking tub or in apartment laundry (adult fantasy right there) but it's warm in the winter, has an a/c unit for the summer, located fabulously for work and play and church and grocery shopping and exercise, the neighbors are decently quiet and the rent reasonable. I bring this up first because S+I started to look for a house and it quickly became apparent that what we really want and what we can afford is drastically different (trailer park, anyone?) and it's tempting to get discouraged. However, we're not living on the street, we're not in an eviction process, we were just looking because rates and prices are so low and it seemed to make financial sense. If the perfect place comes along, we'll move on it, but for now I think we're pretty content with our little 600 square feet of space.
2) That being said, the Ikea catalog came at just the right moment. Inspiration! H is still in our room, and I don't see a reason to change that any time soon since I (still) check her breathing a few times a night and just feel better having her near in case, say, a serial murderer broke in or a fire broke out or giant rats invaded and tried to eat her feet....yes, the hormones are still whacky. Anyway, we have a larger room than the one we three sleep in. It's called "the guest room" and it currently houses a full-sized keyboard, 2 overflowing bookshelves, a large computer desk, a computer tower with printer, a twin bed, a dresser, 6 economy boxed of diapers, two antique and falling apart chairs, my wedding dress, a large drying rack, a bouncy chair for H, a door-hanging bouncy for H, laundry in various states of cleanliness and foldedness, stacks of textbooks and notes, a shredder, all of S's clothes (in a closet) and two adult bikes. There is a tiny path to the closet, and no room to actually sleep on the bed. I have been guilty of tossing stuff in there and then slamming the door. Anyway, it would be nice to be able to use that space. Thus, the catalog. Since we're not going anywhere anytime soon (see #1) I have grand plans for conversion. Double lofted bed with the dresser and bikes underneath...or maybe a crib for H. Replacing our beloved second-hand smelly ripped out couch with a new pull out that will allow us to host couples. Maybe making the loft a twin so we can keep the really comfortable matress...a few more Billy's ($49 this year!!!!) because you can never have too many and because there are still books on the floor....basically just need a free weekend and a promise to buy S a cinnamon roll and we'll be in business.
3) Trader Joe's. Have I raved about this place here yet? Well, words fail. Suffice to say there is almost nothing I don't like about the place. Except they weren't selling sugar last time I was there.....
4) I love food, I hate spending money on it, so it's amazing to me that I just discovered Market Basket. I'd heard of it, but associated it with food stamps and grunginess. Might be true for some, but the one in Burlington is a real treat to shop at. Plenty of parking, and everyone is so friendly! And the workers actually tell you where stuff is and then ask if they can find something else for you!!! I was shocked (hey, I live in Cambridge! we're not known for being kind...) the cashier was nice, even made eye contact and my bagger. The planet will probably expire based on his efforts alone as each glass item was seperatly wrapped in plastic and then it was all placed in a paper bag. But who cares; my items made it home safe, he offered to take "my carriage" to my car and unload it for me (did I mention he was 80 if he was a day?) and he put like items with like. But the best part was certainly the price. 3 rotisserie chickens for $12! (I had 3 families to cook for....) I'm sure you super-savers out there are scoffing, but this made my day. I put the receipt on our table and poured over it, then made S listen to the whole thing as I read it off at dinner.
5) We'll end on an odd number. There are a ton of things I could be listing right now (crockpot pumpkin lattes, a negative pregnancy test, cooler weather, H being that fun age I think everyone meant when they said "enjoy this time" back when she was first born, these adorable little photo books from mypublisher.com I made of H to give to family, my eagerly anticipated pelvis and fetus model complete with uterus and detachable placenta, starting a new semester.......) but instead I'm going to gush about another product that has made life worth living with H: my lillebaby carrier. For those of you brainwashed into believing Ergo is best, please fight the propoganda. This little sucker is awesome! Less bulky and hot than the Ergo, it functions the same (front facing, outward facing, hip carry, back carry and newborn sling), is super comfortable (the weight is on your hip belt so no shoulder pull), a cinch to adjust (goes between S and I in seconds), comes in nice colors (brown!) and most importantly, H loves it. When I can't do anything else with her and naps just aren't coming I pop her in, place a paci and she is out. It keeps people from touching her hands and face (why do people do that?! Germs!!!) and she likes to be up where the big people are. Convenient pockets to carry my keys and phone when we go for a walk, and a hood to keep the sun off. It stays in the car and whenever I go shopping she's in it. Makes life a breeze =D

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