Photo dump! Most of this month was spent, much like last year, in illness. However, all are currently healthy again, the weather has been glorious, and we've gotten to see some family so things are looking up.
Friends bought a house, and turns out it wasn't quite move-in ready yet. Lots of weekends and evenings getting reacquainted with various tools. |
He's FINALLY taking a consistent interest in letters and identifying them. Or he just feels left out since Henri ignores him in favor of reading. Either way, this child might actually be reading by the time he graduates high school. Hope has been renewed. |
I've been able to take long walks the past few months now while Hudson has been in class on Tuesdays. Hard to see here, but there was a sudden snow squall for one of them. |
Trader Joe's find for a gift to myself. |
More hockey games |
A really fun library program the kids and I attended. We got to play all the instruments, and then they taught us a dance. |
Then we headed over to friends who treated us to an authentic and delicious Indian meal (the choli and mango lassi was Henri's favorite) |
Homework time |
He was pretty sick for a few days and needed to be on me 24/7. My arms were shaking by the second day, so into the carrier he contentedly went (where he was napping when I snapped this). |
I got to go up to Allie's to stay for a few days and play with Abrie. Didn't ask permission to share his sweet little face, so instead gaze in amazement at Siena's awesome aloe plant (and all of its little babies). I had a wonderful, relaxing visit and it was a true treat to have some sister time. |
Also a treat to get away from my own kids who were unfortunately still sick. Hudson had barely recovered and Henri came down with it while I was gone. Didn't stop them from putting all the snow to good use! |
President's Day celebration! It was really an excuse to blast Hamilton all day and have dessert on a Monday. |
Found these great Lincoln and Washington rubber duckies for the place settings. |
Frankly I thought these masks terrifying. The menu was based off presidential favorites with a modern twist (bacon+spinach mac-n-cheese, Tourtiere, cabbage salad, pickles, cherry cake, gingerbread with candles so we could sing "Happy Birthday", and of course ice cream). A few friends attended to make it all the more festive. |
Steve won the trivia game! It was all about Washington and Lincoln and focused on random stuff that caught my interest (for example, Lincoln's the only president to hold a US patent. What's it for?) |
Esme is getting a lot of use with this great weather. Kids are playing with her, and I lounge in the back and read....she's like another den or library room for our house. |
Dollar Tree wall stickers for the upstairs ceiling |
Kids and I walked Battle Road Trail and soaked up some sun |
Another library program; they brought in a petting zoo! The goats were a big hit. |
Last weekend we spent downtown. Weather was great, no crowds. Did the Science Museum in the morning, Long Wharf, Quincy Market for lunch, North End for cannolis, Hay Market for some produce. I don't know why we only go when we have company, it's always a fun time and now that we're out of the stroller stage it's much easier to navigate. |
Oh! The reason we went downtown was that the cousins came for a visit!!! Much much too short of one, but we enjoyed their company thoroughly. Many tears were shed when they left. |
This debate is obviously not limited to us, and it shows no signs of being resolved. I'll just point out though that native Bostonians praise my choice AND Modern fills your pastry while you wait, so clearly it's fresher and better. Oh, and it's the perfect size. Also the ricotta filling is more delicious. Also.... :D |
Whole gang |
After staying up until 11 every night with his cousins, plus full days of fun, Hudson laid himself down at 5:15 on Sunday....and didn't move a muscle until 7:30 Monday morning. |
Showing me on the map where the baby goats at Drumlin are. The first mama just had quads and they were all looking healthy and bouncy. |
Pretty sure this is the same sheep that Hudson loves on each time we visit. They both just settle in for a long session of scratching and murmured endearments (and me repeating "don't kiss the sheep. Don't kiss her"). |
And back again today for a loooong day of hanging drywall. We're both embarrassingly slow at it. |
BTW, the answer to the Lincoln question is that he holds a patent on a system to allow riverboats to get over shoals that would strand them. Not too thrilling and I doubt it made him wealthy.
Modern Pastry any day! Sorry Steve!
Someday.....I want you to show us around. :) You go to so many neat places. I stand in awe!
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