Another week almost done and while nothing big happened, lots of little stuff got done. A smattering:
Friday the urge hit to redo the living room so off to Home Goods the kids and I went where the clearance aisles were very good to us. New "lamp" for the corner. |
David came over to mount our tv |
New mirror, put the old in the kids room. The space feels much larger and lighter, which heading in to the winter season is always a good thing. |
Handsomest guy on the path |
Saturday a new member joined us (Hen is bummed that Hudson got a turn holding him) |
Meet French Fry! Actually, I think he's a jerk and haven't bonded with him at all. Clive was a nice fish who acted happy to see you. FF refuses to come out from behind his plants and is very boring. We should have gone with the kitten we played with instead... |
The kids put together their Thanksgiving craft |
A rare peaceful moment on Sunday. We taught the children's church, and with 15 kids 5 and under, it went pretty much how you'd expect. |
There was about 30 of these photos. Apparently when the kids get up in the morning (at 5am) they like to take pictures. |
some of them were rather artsy |
the perpetrator has been identified by the fingers |
Hudson talking to the ants that live in this stump on our daily walk. Speaking of Hud, on Monday I decided we were done with diapers and after an 87 minute stand off (I timed it) he went and while there have been a few accidents, today he was perfect so I think the "just do it" method (fingers crossed) seems to work well for us. |
Enjoying his morning coffee |
We got breakfast here on Tuesday. The onion and bacon pastry was amazing, but I was disappointed in the red bean bun which had been my true reason for going. Guess I'll stick with HMart for now. |
Just walking and snacking (on pickle popcorn, a favorite of his) |
The new rug. A bit small, but the next size up was too big. I'm planning to replace the long console table with a more chest-like one (mirrored? def with doors) and that should bring the room into balance. |
Ikea continues to delight. |
Annnnnnd they added slurpee machines. With not just the usual cherry and coke but also lingonberry. It was pretty amazing. |
That's about it. We had some excitement with our neighbor on Sunday when he collapsed while I was (fortunately) at his house so I got to hang out with our local fire department for a bit (very nice boys, they all grew up on the surrounding 3 streets) after I'd called 911. We got most of the church to join us for frozen yogurt after last night's service which was fun until I realized it was 9:15 and a school night. Oops. The kids and I got rear-ended this morning on the way to school but no harm was done (weird, I'd never been in an accident until this summer and now I'm up to 2, both completely not my fault). Everyone is looking forward to getting through the next few days so we can start the holiday, and hang with family, and be unapologetic gluttons. Woohoo!!!
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