Not that I'm a fan of the heat, or want the summer to be a long one, but it's incredible that we're already halfway through June, and that snowstorms will have us housebound in just a few months. As I stay at home with the kids anyway, the summer schedule doesn't look much different from the normal, but I'm trying to schedule at least one outing a week (and grocery shopping doesn't count!). Making that possible, Steve is commuting daily via bike so we've had the car to putz about in. Also fun, our backyard neighbors have an 18mo girl that Hudson adores (granted, he loooooves any kid) and they've been coming over to play multiple times a day. I really like the parents as well, and it's been soul refreshing to have random adult conversation throughout my day. Unfortunately they have plans tomorrow, so if anyone is in town and wants to come with us to Houghton Pond, it's supposed to hit 90 (ugh!!!) and I don't intend to leave the water till the mosquitoes drive us away.
A smattering of what we've been up to the past few weeks:
He has a ball, or bat, attached permanently to him |
I'm not a crunchy mama (as in, lunch was McD's today...) but I am rabid about baby wearing. It is by far the #1 must-have child item. Even before diapers I think. Anyway, Hud is in that great "I-don't-want-to-be-put-down-but-I-don't-want-you-to-hold-me-but-I-have-to-be-involved-AT-ALL-TIMES!!!!!" stage. Hence the Lilebaby being a fixture of my wardrobe. Literal lifesaver, folks (his in case you were wondering...) |
Evening walks are more fun when they end at the ice cream store (and apparently no one calls them "creamees" around here???) |
Have I mentioned these before? Note they say "baking" melts? Yeah, almost finished the 3rd bag and not a single morsel has actually seen the inside of an oven, |
4 year olds are surprisingly useful. She mowed the whole thing herself, Steve just did a few touch ups. Score! |
Allie and Siena came for a quick visit and we made some sushi. |
Thanks to Pioneer Woman, I have been packing on the pounds chugging homemade mocha frappuccinos. I'm guessing they have something to do with the racing pulse and panic attacks I've been having lately as well. |
Went to a friends camp on Lake Winnipesaukee for Memorial Day (obviously it was set on an inlet, of a bay...) So much fun! Except Hudson hated the motorboat ride we took. Screamed until he went into a catatonic state and didn't move a muscle till we took him off the boat. |
But then he had a blast running around with friends, playing in the water, playing in the sand, eating. Fell asleep right after he got strapped in and put one fish in his mouth :) |
Note our happy expressions.....and then Hudson. Hen sat in the prow and LOVED it. She's scared of a lot, but so far boats seem to be her thing. |
This is the most action my running shorts have gotten since our 5K. Nasty shin splint made walking painful, much less running, so I've been resting it. But I went for a very slow 1 mile yesterday pushing the kids, and it was fine! Also amazing to me, I just casually ran a mile. I'd never do that before training. Anyway, it was good to be back out. And while I don't get those runner highs, I do note a HUGE drop in anxiety/stress when I run. |
Henri is getting quite good with scissors. And glue. And now tape |
Yard sale finds. A guitar for Henri and a silver serving platter for me |
She practices daily |
New handbag. That can not fit diapers, cuppies, snacks....something for just me. If I ever actually go somewhere without the kids. |
Went to DeCordova Sculpture Museum with the kids last week. They really enjoyed it, and the weather cooperated nicely. |
This was the only one you could touch. If you ran a stick along the length the pipes gave off lovely tones. |
My favorite, made out of vines |
Most were pretty weird. "Otter" |
View from the museum |
Time to start maintaining the degree and certifications I'm not actually using. Oddly fun to be using the brain for scholarly purposes again. |
I make the bed every morning. He promptly unmakes it. |
Amazon brings the best things. Especially boxes. This "pirate ship" has been in constant play since last week |
Reading time in the tent |
Tend city. The sunscreen is for the beach, our new 6 person for camping (woot!) |
Gram S made a quick surprise trip down last weekend. Of course we had to take her to her favorite, Chik fil A (and blasphemous I know, but I just don't see the appeal of their food.. but the service is wonderful) |
Kids took their babies on our evening walk |
After two weeks of wondering, my peony bushes have exploded. It's going to be a fast and furious season. |
And the Christmas Tree Shop is currently selling these. Which I find a hysterical thing for them to be selling, but I also really want one. I have the perfect spot for it. And 3 hens would be so much fun to have....They're made of cedar (I was at the store today sniffing them) and super cute! |
Not that there's much left to it, but the rest of June is booked in to the first two weeks of July...wait, no, the third week is booked too. Hope you're all enjoying yours!
1 comment:
You always write such fun posts. :) I think you should totally go for the chickens. ;)
Are you liking your Bob stroller? I am hoping to find a used one some day. So far none of the people I have contacted on Craigslist have ever gotten back to me. Enjoy your summer. I think if I EVER get my school stuff sent in to the state we will enjoy ours. :)
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