I love how thorough this is, so Ruth I'm stealing your format :)
Personality: Hm. Definitely not laid back. In a new setting he'll sit for a bit to figure everyone and their places out, but then he's off. He has favorite people and it has nothing to do with how frequently he sees them (though Henri remains his #1). Hudson wants to be in the middle of everything and has learned how to yell loudly just to get a reaction. As soon as you look at him he tucks his head to the left and grins which he thinks makes him look cute, and it really does, but we try not to encourage him too much. He finds the strangest things funny and has this hilarious little "he he" giggle. Flipping his paci back and forth is a great way to amuse, and he's starting to play peek-a-boo. Anything Hen does is funny, unless she's crying and then he's crying too. Very sensitive to her moods. He is pretty affectionate and gives lots of hugs and kisses, likes to be held most of the time, is much more snuggly than Henri ever was.
Physical: He's slowed waaaay down percentile-wise but the doctor didn't mention it and I think he's healthy. We were always tiny as kids, and he's constantly on the go so I'm sure that's why he's not gaining. As of yesterday he weighs 18#1.5oz and is 28". At 9mo Henri was 16# and almost 28", so he's not too much ahead of her. Of course, she was also walking by now so she was burning a ton more fuel. I don't see that happening any time soon for him as even holding hands he's not balanced or stepping, but he's started to pull up on everything, and this weekend he got up on his knees a few times. Hudson does this great "swim" motion that shoots him across the floor, and he's learned how to climb stairs. I think he'll take after his cousin because he's always trying to climb higher; the couch, your shoulder, a pillow. I've been half-heartedly teaching him sign but then I read an article about how signing delays speech and that speech pathologists are not recommending it. So, guilt-free excuse to stop :) He does this wrist twist thing that means "all done" to him and uses it consistently in context. He'll sign it when he's done with his food, but he'll also use it when he's sick of a situation. He can wave "bye" and he'll wave and say "hi". He's starting to say "dada" and "moooooom!" (only when mad of course) but not all the time. (I wrote this yesterday. Last night he woke up and called mamamama, and he's been using it in context today as well) His hair is getting even redder and I hope it continues to. Blue eyes, his own shade, doesn't match Henri's or mine. His top two teeth are popping through now so he has 4, and he's acting like a teething puppy; I have bite marks all over my legs.
Food: Maybe it's because he's the second, but I'm just not that in to seeking out exciting feeding opportunities for him, or even thinking twice about just handing something over. I guess you could say we've done baby-led weaning, but it's really been more "baby-won't-eat-his-food-because-he's-convinced-yours-is-way-better-even-if-it's-the-exact-same-thing-so-it's-easier-to-just-share-a-plate". The doctor was impressed with Hudson's palate, but again, pure parental laziness. I love middle eastern and other such highly seasoned food, ate a ton of it while pregnant, Hudson likes highly seasoned food (especially curry and cumin). He's not a huge fan of cheese or yogurt, loves all things carb except pasta, will eat avocados (Hen still won't touch them), and is drinking from a straw cup. He also liked fish and I need to be better about cooking it more frequently. I've been toying with the idea of going vegetarian, not for health or moral reasons but because preparing meat grosses me out to no end, and lately eating it has started to make me gag. Unfortunately Hud is a breastfed baby and his iron was border-low (though I think she got a diluted sample) so he needs to amp up his red meat as I don't want to give an iron supplement. Wonder if steak houses offer infant specials? Anyway, he continues to breastfeed as well and that seems to be going fine for the both of us.
Sleep: Oy. I've been a zombie the past few weeks. But then he slept from 8-5 the past two nights! Who knows. But typically he gets up for the day at 6, naps at 9 till 11, afternoon nap at 1ish till 3, bedtime at 8, up 2-3x to nurse. All the goings on these past few weeks have been rough rough rough on him, and he's not a baby that will nap on the go like Hen did, so I'm taking a hard look at the next few months and cancelling/not scheduling anything. I hate to be so tied to naps, but that's the way it needs to be for now, and for all of our sanity it makes sense to just stay home so he can sleep. He's still in the little pack and play in our room and I'd love to move him out to Henri's crib and put her in a bed, but that means they'll be sharing a room, and this past weekend was a disaster in that area. Hen takes about an hour to settle for sleep and talks and sings loudly, wakes Hudson up, no sleep for anyone....not sure what to do. I do want him out of our room soon though, I think we'll all sleep better in the long run.
Likes: Henri, baths, balls, cars, reading his books, cords, being outside, making noise, dancing, playing with the chimes, looking at pictures of himself/looking in the mirror
Dislikes: Coming inside, having anything taken from him, being tired, Henri taking a nap once he's awake, being tossed in the air or held over your head, ice cream.
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Another great pict by Andrea |
Oh my gosh, what a doll he is!!! I love Ruth's updates so I am glad you are doing it too, all the details will be so fun to look back on.
Seriously he could not be any cuter!
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