You can add that to the very long list of things I never thought I'd be saying/doing as a parent but caught myself saying this morning. Like most folks with young kids I've spoken to, this has been a rough long winter for me and I think all of our crazy is starting to come through. It's not helping that it
looks gorgeous out, but it's still freezing and the sidewalks remain impassable. Pinterest's earning its keep with an endless supply of craft ideas so hopefully Henri's remaining stimulated. And I just bought a family-sized jar of Nutella that I'm making rapid inroads on.
Hudson finally had his 6mo appt last week and....he's a shrimp! Still much bigger than Henri, but he's dropped to the 30% for weight (16#6oz) and remains in the 50% for length. He does have chub which is pretty adorable. Eating is gong well, in that he looooves to do it. Breakfast is usually Cream of Wheat mixed with a fruit and veggie Happy Baby pouch. Lunch is yogurt and Happy Baby. Supper is whatever we're having and puffs. He's a big fan of anything that requires chewing and smacks his gums enthusiastically to encourage you to hurry up with the next bite. He's also gotten very mobile and will chase you from room to room. He doesn't get his legs under him, but he's got the inchworm down pat, and Henri's learning how to play with her toys out of his reach. One thing that's made me really happy is that overnight Hudson decided he loves books. He still won't sit still for me reading Henri's longer books to him, but I've pulled out a few baby board books and he's fascinated with a baby animal one and will lie, flipping pages, for minutes at a time (baby attention spans are a bit short. I forgot...). Not many pictures as my phone's memory filled up again and grabbing the camera always triggers a kid meltdown (why???) but they were having fun with the pop up tunnel the other day: