Not too thrilling, but here's what's on my phone at the moment:
Dustin in VT! Hard to tell, but the cousins matched that day |
See? Same blue and brown :) |
The rearranged living room. Feels so much more spacious! |
Our outdoor space is coming along nicely. The bench is super comfy, and I love the whimsy of a candelabra for the evenings |
Picked up a tunnel for 50cents at a yard sale on Sunday for H. She thinks it's hysterical, especially when we roll the ball through it or Dad tries to climb in |
Finger painting with this cool paper we got from a dear friend; the paint only shows up on this type of paper and it smells like play dough. Pretty fun (clean) stuff. |
Still need to finish up some papers so I'm looking to do anything else but. My appointment with my midwife was reservedly optimistic; no labor signs yet (I'd assume I'd know if I was, haha) and while I feel very welcome there I'm getting a strong sense there's a lot of anxiety about me delivering at the hospital and coordinating the care surrounding my meds, as well as Bo's expected large size. No one's pushing a C-section, but I know there will be a very large and collective sigh of relief once this child is out.
We got to go to Steve's softball game last night and there's supposed to be another today. With the cooler weather it was a nice way to spend the evening, and it's a great way to tire H out. And in totally unrelated news, I really like our fish, Clive. He has a great personality and very distinct swimming patterns depending on what he wants. We moved him over by the window near our new trunk seat and today while reading H a book he was very interested. So I ended up (on H's insistence) having to show Clive each picture of the book we were reading. It's nice to have a sweet, non-verbal member of the family :)
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