Clinic hours have been completed. Phew, I never thought I'd actually write that. I have caught the required number of babies, seen all my menopausal clients and touched way more bellies than I can count. All that's left now until I can call myself a nurse-midwife? Well, quite a bit actually. But I made a list this morning and it's do-able and knowing that this baby could theoretically arrive as early as Friday (not that he's going to, of course, but I'm term and still think my dates are a bit off) is a great motivator to just do it. Along with my school list I made a "get done before Bo comes" list, a grocery list, a menu, and a list of everything that needs to be done around the house for a gathering we're hosting on Saturday (Pintrest has been getting a workout!). Not that lists accomplish anything, but I always feel massively productive when I make them.
In other news, it's miserably hot. I mean, it is everywhere, but it's really hot here. And humid. And it's not letting up. So after years of swearing I'd never do it, and then a few days of me being really really horrid to everyone around me, we got window AC units. And I haven't left the house unless absolutely necessary. But I've slept!
In celebration of completing clinic hours, and because my brother and his family were in town, H and I spent the last week in VT. We didn't really do anything except revel in the fabulous weather, get in lots of outside time, swim, eat lots of great meals, and soak in our fill of the most adorable baby in the world, Dustin. Of course I think my daughter is gorgeous because she is mine, but I realize that Dusty is by far the most beautiful baby ever. He's got the greatest smile and such a fun personality. H did great with him, was really gentle, made sure he had age appropriate toys to play with, and showed concern when he cried (which was very rare). Somehow they ended up coordinating their outfits almost every day which was so cute, but they were not the most cooperative of models, so photos are pretty slim. Bummed we had to leave as soon as we did but I have plans of moving back for most of September so that incentive is keeping me sane.
As far as the pregnancy goes, well, it's getting there. Mood-wise I was pretty happy with how mellow I was feeling and then in the past two weeks that's disappeared. Why must people ask and state the stupidest things?!?! Don't get huffy with me when you guess the wrong gender or start arguing about why you're right (what does it even mean "you look like it's a girl???), I'm aware I'm large so you can stop pointing out my obviously whale-like proportions, and why you feel the need to keep pointing out that heat must be adding to the misery of pregnancy I'll never know. Also, don't need your recommendations for starting labor (thanks, random guy in the grocery store) or a delay in my iced coffee order while you enumerate all the labor lengths of your extended family members. But other than being really irritated with the state of my house right now and wanting to do a complete overhaul (which includes banning anyone from stepping foot in it so it stays clean and organized), I think I'm being fairly rational. Steve and David probably have a different take on it.
OK, started this on Monday. Friday now and I am TERM! Woohoo, come on baby! Well, actually, wait until 8pm on Saturday as we have that party and I'd rather not waste all our prep effort. Last night the nesting instinct kicked in big time, and thanks to David shouldering all the heavy lifting my living room has been rearranged, our bedroom set to rights for Bo, all the newborn baby clothes are washed, and packing lists created. I didn't bother packing a hospital bag with Henri as I figured we'd have plenty of time (and we did, in abundance) but now that I have H I feel this pressure to make sure she's totally taken care of. So there's a 5 page instruction manual typed and printed, a packing list in the instructions plus a back up list.....this baby had better be normal and come in the middle of the night and make it easier on everyone.
I met with the MD on Tuesday to sign consent for a VBAC and she was very encouraging about it (quote: "you are planning a VBAC, right? Because we tell everyone they're the safest option"). I've said it before, but it's soooooooooooo good to be back where you're treated like you're not broken and can birth a child. Anyway, she switched me over to Heparin (ugh, 4 shots a day with tons more medication in each than the Lovenox) and did say she'd like me to schedule a C-section once I hit 41 weeks just to reserve a spot. No problem. I saw my midwife on Wednesday and asked to schedule one for today. She refused (meanie!) but is a bit concerned about my BP (it was ridiculously high on the first reading) and said Bo is already 8#'s (she's always super accurate on size, I've only seen her be wrong once and that baby shocked everyone by how big she was). She'll try to strip my membranes on Monday and I've been doing all the natural cervical ripening stuff for the past week. I know this child will not come till he's ready, but I'M ready. I never understood women who wanted to have their baby early, but I so get it now. Anyway, I've been having some intermittent contractions that remind me how crummy labor is so hopefully this show is getting on the road.
That's about all that's happening around these parts. Doing our best to stay cool and keep H entertained inside. Hope the next post is a picture of the bambino (and a decision on his name.....). :)