A very full and fast moving month, was September. We got in another trip to VT, school started (very quietly as compared to last year), and suddenly we're on the road a whole lot more. A few of the stand outs from those weeks:
First day of First Grade |
She's loving school from what I can tell, really likes her teacher, and doesn't have a whole lot to tell me at the end of the day. Very different teaching style from last year, this teacher does not communicate with the parents at all, but I "volunteer" (it was mandatory) every week and I'm impressed with how she handles her class. |
He's FINALLY interested in letters! And writing! And drawing! |
Steve's first race this year was the Prospect Hill run and he beat last years time by a lot so he was pretty happy. |
The blue Honda hit 200K. |
Of the whole packet of tomato seeds, only one survived to reproduce and it did so with gusto. Sweet and adorable. |
Helping to maintain literacy interest is our letter wall, although, can you spot the missing letter? |
The pepper plants were also a success and HOT!!!! |
Made 2 batches of hot pepper jelly (which is beyond delicious if I do say so myself) and had plenty of pepper for a third but Amazon has been failing me lately and the jars I ordered never arrived so the peppers went bad. But we still have enough to last the long cold winter. |
Apple picking at Happy Valley. The guy said to taste all the apples, and Hudson enthusiastically took him up on it. |
Steve and I went over to Warren for a quick date |
Bet this is stunning with the folliage |
Rides around the house |
Mom's apple tree is finally producing, this was the second time to clean under the tree. We took the apples down to the field to fling off sticks. |
School's back in session for Hudson! He wasn't impressed the first two weeks, but is back to loving it the last few. He has one same teacher and a different (more strict) one, and mostly new classmates. They learned about the pond habitat last week and it was the first time ever he made a craft in class. |
After years of just knotting her yarn, Henri let me show her how to knit and she's off and running. I've had to rip it back 3 times so far for dropped stitches, or changing direction midway through a row, or adding so many stitches it didn't fit on the needles anymore, but it doesn't bother her in the least. She genuinely enjoys just the act of sitting and knitting with no ambition to finish her scarf. She also made braided bracelets for all her classmates, I'm guessing at night while supposed to be sleeping, and I've seen them all wearing them in class. She's still hard at work on sewing costumes for a Thanksgiving play plus whatever Hudson wants her to make, so she's having to prioritize her time. I know she's hoping for a rainy weekend with no plans so she can hunker down and craft. I'm right there with her! |
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