Seems as though this blog has tapered to a twice monthly thing. My apologies to anyone still reading, but our weeks are very similar. Once school's out I anticipate some more variety, but for now it's rather routine (though certainly not boring! Just not very photographable). Anyway, Steve was in Texas last week with his family so we packed our Saturday full so as not to miss him. Fortunately the weather's been lovely and all the extra outdoor play has helped. Steve's home now, I have my first sunburn of the season, and we're excited for the next two weeks which should be fun (Henri has vacation, and her birthday is fast approaching...).
What's on my phone right now:
I was making great progress and then a knot the manufacturer had tied in the yarn came undone and spoiled many rows and I haven't touched it since. Mom is coming soon so hopefully she can sort me out. |
Snow and rain and snow and yuck for a week there. |
Went to the Taza chocolate factory for their storytime....and tons of chocolate samples |
Really delicious hot chocolate! We learned all about the traditional Mexican way of making chocolate to eat as well as drink. |
Getting dressed for the day |
The past two Mondays we've met up with friends for lunch and a 2.5 hour playdate at the park. Our boys like each other, get along great, and they are FINALLY at that age where we can set them loose and not see them the whole time except when they want a snack or drink. It's wonderful!!!! |
After dropping Hen off he usually wants a second breakfast (coffee and eggs today). |
He's been playing with his car and truck collection a lot lately, and is enjoying making ramps and roads for them. |
Saturday we went to Franklin Park Zoo. Despite being here 9 years I'd never been. Not huge, nothing terribly exotic, but the kids loved it. We debated wearing hats, ultimately left them in the car, should have worn them. But the cold wind kept other people away, and while the birds and giraffes weren't out, everything else was. |
The peacock followed us through the whole thing and by the end Hudson had finally warmed up enough to it that he didn't jump when he saw it. |
The tigers didn't seem to pleased with their little cage. |
They had a jeep parked halfway in the lions pen that you could climb in to. He then got up on a rock and roared and roared for us. Pretty cool. |
Their favorite part? Climbing in the animal transport crates and pretending they were getting shipped across the ocean. |
This condor was massive. Also his little head muff was pretty funny looking. |
The zoo just installed a 10,000' playground that we took full advantage of. Again, not busy but it must be pure mayhem during school vacation or the summer. |
After a full day we decided 5Guys would make a nice dinner. |
We've had a series of spectacular sunsets. That look like nothing in the pictures of course, but in person were breathtaking. |
My rhubarb survived its first winter!!! I'd completely forgotten my neighbor had given me one little stem last year to plant, but it popped up this year with a bunch of new stalks and seems to be thriving. I'm thrilled. It's a little of Grandma Elsie at my house. |
Back at the park again this Monday. |
This time there was a digger laying new electrical pipes and given the fence location the boys could practically touch the action. Great was the rejoicing. |
Popsicles for after-school treats. |
While Hudson was in class today I walked all the trails. The painted turtles were out sunbathing, I saw a few pairs of ducks on the vernal ponds, a couple woodpeckers going crazy. And there was this useful scat-recognition card outside the bathroom.... |
We're all excited for Easter and the festivities that entails (I'm especially excited that I have practically no work to do for it this year; just eggs, potato salad, and muffins!!!). Hopefully we'll have more interesting things to relay after vacation!
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