Sunday, March 27, 2016

They're all a bit blurry

The pictures, that is. Sorry. Super busy week this past one. Folks over for meals/coffee times. The usual chores. Then we went to VT on Friday to surprise my mom with an early birthday meal. Quick turn around to be home Saturday afternoon for lots of Sunday morning prep, and then today was our Easter breakfast at church, followed by service and egg hunt. Then on to a feast at the Allens where we broke diet like no one's business and ate pretty much nothing but dairy and sugar. Glorious. :)

We made a new friend on a walk to the park. Hudson has really warmed up to cats, and Hen was head booping with this little guy (who was super friendly)

Hard training finally paying off! I drank coffee, they cleaned the house.

About once a month we do a movie night. This week was Cars and Cinderella (first princess movie, eeks). Hudson nearly stopped breathing he was so excited that his shirt matched the movie, lol. I still think it's the boringest movie ever. 

Haircuts with dumdums for a treat 

Took the kids on a date before we went to the library. Can't go wrong with donut holes!

Our neighbor cut down our big tree so the branches wouldn't fall on his garage roof. Time to put up a privacy fence!

The snow is gone now

Pirates picnicking

Aunt Abi gave us the idea of an Easter pinata, so the kids made an "egg" one. Huge mess. 

Easter outfits. The theme was blue and green, and ironically everyone I know went with those colors too. Normally we stick with the pastels, but it felt too early in the year to do that this time. 

The lovely (and delicious!) cake that Anna made Mom. Of course I didn't take a single picture there, but we had a great time. And Mom was surprised to see everyone which was fun. 

Stopped briefly at Texas Falls on the way home. This summer we'll walk the loop with the kids but we needed to push on and get home. 

First layer of pink paint

Mess. Just a huge mess.

My babies. Hudson loved his look, he kept checking himself out in the mirror and was very very sad when he had to change out of his bow tie and suspenders

Not my usual pattern, but a really comfy dress!

The hunt is on!

The teens do a great job of hiding the eggs and then helping the littlest kids "find" them all.

After our meal, and before dessert, we go for a walk. This time we went to a nature conserve a few blocks away.....and despite it being all of one city block large, we still got lost in it and had to check the map and online for directions. City slickers to the extreme. 

The boys had fun chucking gravel

Brave Uncle Sheffy held the disaster pinata and mercifully helped things along by punching it open. Next year we'll only do one layer of paper...

Steve got in his cardio by watching the second half of the Syracuse game tonight :)
We're keeping our entertaining low key this week by planning to order out for all events, and I'm looking forward to a normal week :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Midway through March

It's a super dreary day out, but still spring-like in temperature. There might still be one more snow fall (generally on my moms birthday there seems to be a nasty ice storm) but I think we might have completely skipped winter this year. Our heating bill will be much nicer :)

The kids and I headed up to VT on Thursday afternoon for a long weekend. Henri remains a fantastic traveler, and Hudson does fine for 3 hours. That makes the last 30 minutes a bit annoying, but knowing we're close helps us to push through. The weather was ideal, Anna was home from college for Spring Break and helped entertain the kids, and we crammed a lot of fun into a short span. Home to a great meal cooked by Steve, and then we've hit our usual routine running.

We had to make an Ikea run, and that means a super cheap lunch. Henri gets to play in their Smalland, and Hudson drives me insane with his chatter while I'm trying to compare down count on pillows. 

As soon as one event finishes, I start prepping for the next. We have a Ladies Tea at church end of May, and the hunt for succulents is on!

A few more picts from the shower two weeks ago. Hosts and momma

No, we did not plan our outfits. I still think Anna should have changed since I got there first, but I guess this just means we both have great taste ;)

My butterflies

Day lillies are up. I thought they were a summer flower??

Dancing. He closes his eyes and hums as he spins.

They really do like each other. It's sweet. Usually.

Don't be fooled by the butterflies and tutus. This kid loves his machines and was mess after undoing all my garden bed prep. 

Went through the woods to a park. They held hands because Hudson wasn't sure of the way and Henri was showing him

It was really hot

Avocados make the prettiest batter....

...and the most insanely delicious triple chocolate cupcakes (vegan, whole wheat flour, no refined sugar...they're good for you!).

Yup, 77 in March. Crazy.

Playing trucks at playgroup

The bee pollinating Hens flower clip

Finally made it to VT. The kids are obsessed with my parents basement, we were down there for 3 straight hours Friday morning just playing. I remember loving my grandparents basement too, I can still smell that awesome combo of wood smoke and mildew.

Hudson working on his abs

Anna led them in this huge boat building operation

Hot glue, walnuts, lots of sticks, and cord were used. I think they all sank.

On Friday evening we went to the Gales for a quick tour of their sugar house and to introduce the kids to the syrup making process. Of course I've taught them about it (even sung them the Sugarmakers Song like every good VT school child knows) but there's something about experiencing it. We'd go the the Atkins every year growing up and "help" (the adults might have worked; us kids sampled the syrup, then headed out to meet the newest calves, play hide and seek in the dark, create forts in the hay, and drink sap from the collecting tank). 

We came home with the smell of smoke and syrup in our hair, eager for our 2016 syrup. 

The kids were most impressed by the size of the fire when Papa opened the furnace and they got to see inside

Mmmm, hot syrup is the best

Thanks for letting us get in your way as you were shutting down for the night!

Lots of hanging out with the family.

Modeling Grams glasses

An Easter tree. I avoided having to bring it home with me. 

Papa watched the kids on Saturday so we could go for a long walk up Quaker Street and soak in the sun

And then Sunday was church and the drive home and putting the house to rights. Monday a friends mom came over. She's from Egypt and just came to to the US to be with her son, and she spent literally the entire day making me stuffed grape leaves. I'd show you, but I ate them all. I've been waiting 15 years to have authentic Greek grape leaves again since my roommate in college's dad made them for us. I might have cried tears of joy they were so good. For our evening treat I made "Rocky Road" smoothies. Tasty, but not close to as good as the leaves...

And then this morning we held playgroup at the Launch park instead, and I'm hoping two solid hours of jumping will lead to looooong afternoon naps.