How Hudson proudly proclaims his age when you ask him how old he is :) That's right folks, there are no more babies in the Schoeffler household. I had a really hard time approaching this date, there
might have been daily negotiations for months for just
one more baby; that perhaps this time the pregnancy wouldn't have me puking for the whole thing, that the shots wouldn't hurt, that I'd go into labor and after 6 hours (or even 24!) pop out a baby the way normal people do, that we can
totally fit 3 carseats in the back of our 2-door Honda Civic, that 3 kids in a tiny room isn't going to scar them (look at the rest of the world's living situations!), Hudson adores babies and he'd be a fabulous big brother, that I've already lost my mind so what's one more.....Anyway, there were counter arguments to all that and that's what makes a good marriage work; when one goes off the rails, the other nicely reminds them of the pact they've previously made. All that to say, on Friday Hudson suddenly seemed like a big kid to me, and I was totally at peace with it. Excited even. I genuinely hate the baby days, why would I want them back again? (Answer: I always want what I can't have). I have kids that love each other, that sleep at night, that we can
do stuff with. I'm not a fan of change, as in I just changed the shower curtain that I've had for 10 years, but once it happens I usually love it. So, welcome to the toddler era! I really do love 2 year olds!!!
Probably the best birthday ever. He was just so happy about everything, thrilled that it was for him, and so in to all the traditions. Dad got him a balloon, and I made him the ubiquitous Pinterest felt birthday crown. |
Gift opening. Aunt Allie and Siena got Henri a gift too, which was perfect because there was a wee bit of jealousy/impatience and this nipped it. |
Reading a new book. He was so happy with everything he got (and little guys are SO easy to shop for!); books, trucks, musical instruments, magnets, a baseball glove...he played with everything. |
Henri's gift to Huddie |
And then we went down to the pond and kayaked with the kids. They loved it! I stuck Henri in my hatch and she enjoyed having her own spot. Next time we'll do the same with Hud since it looks like we can trust him to sit well enough (the life vest makes it a bit tricky to hop out without a hand). So many things to see, water to play in, races to be had....I see many years of enjoyment out of these. |
Hudson got his own box of his favorite snack in the world, raisins. And next time we need to remember a hat for him. Despite lots of sunscreen he started to pink up. |
Oh dear, the cake. It was a box mix doctored up, and canned frosting. Cakes are my kryptonite. I just can't make a decent one. Looks like it'll be bakery from now on. But he was thrilled, knew exactly how to blow out his candle, and talked about cake all day to anyone who asked. |
We had fixing for sundaes too, but he wanted his ice cream plain. Easy to please! |
Looking forward to what the coming year brings us. Hudson is a super affectionate love-bug, shares my sense of humor, adores his sister though he's starting to love tormenting her almost too much, prefers to have everyone close around him, is a terrible eater, is passionate about baseball and construction vehicles, doesn't miss a trick, and is the best gift our family could have been given. He just woke up from his nap, so we're headed outside now to eat leftover cake. :)
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Hudson!! You are such a handsome little man.
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