It's been pretty normal around here lately. School, chores, as much outdoor time as humanly possible, sleep deprivation, teething, rash outbreaks, lots of apple baking (good bye diet!), knitting binges (3 baby hats and a good start on some socks last week), a fish that can't decide if he wants to die or just be manic.....Steve and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary this weekend and the folks came down to stay with the kids. I'll do a post later about what it entails to go away for one night without the kids, and while we enjoyed it and all the "experts" say it's vital for your marriage, I think the cost-benefit ration skews strongly in favor of "don't!". But like I said, we did have a good time (think, ate ourselves silly and then wandered wherever we felt like wandering with no whiny kid voices!) and the kids have a fantastic time without us. In fact, when I got Hudson up from his nap on Saturday, he gave me an evil look and demanded to see Papa. :)
In other news, we have finally (drum roll please....) moved Hudson into the kids room AND into a crib. I figured we'd make both transitions at once since he'll scream about both and might as well just get it over with. First night, 30 minutes of hysterical yelling with Henri telling him to be quiet. Last night, not a peep and that was with Hen singing loudly and having her light on. He did wake up once, but though he half-heartedly called for me a few times, he never got up and just repositioned himself on his blankets and went back to sleep. If he still needs to nurse in the night or actually gets up obviously I'll get him, but I think at this point it's just habit, and now that I'm out of sight he's willing to let it go. I hope. We'll see. I know by just writing this tonight will be dreadful, but it's given me hope we might have our room back to ourselves for the first time in, oh, 4 years.
He has a stick of some sort permanently in his hands these days. |
A bit blurry, but he thinks she is the funniest thing ever |
Busy guy charging around |
Checking out the moss |
She's finally letting me put her hair up at times, though it's so fine it falls out pretty quick |
The strong winds we've been having flipped the boat, much to the kids delight |
They "sailed" all morning |
Ahoy! |
The patio is getting slowly put to bed for the winter. It's such a nice feature of our home |
My lavender did great this season! |
1 comment:
Looks like you all are doing great. Joshua is still not a good sleeper and nurses often through the night.
It looks like you are getting lots of good outside time.We need more of that.As always loved all the cute pictures and will patiently await your next update!
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