So, I had a whole post typed out but decided you really didn't need the stupefying level of detail into our lives I'd added. Here's the abridged version (and sorry for the lack of pictures, the camera took the week off):
-The house got cleaned and parts organized
-My closet just needs the electrician to do his thing and a wrought iron stool to complete it
-H has started walking way up on her tip-toes. Funny to watch but is this a bad thing?
-What's the opposite of a nursing strike? Whatever it is, we're on one. I was thinking of weaning her off her nap nurses but at this point just naps and waking/bedtime would be a huge reduction. Hopefully a passing phase as we have a week separation coming up really soon (ahhhh!!!!!!).
-Two weekends in a row seeing Allie!
-Nice gathering of friends and tons of good food to celebrate the end of summer/beginning of a school year and great weather for it
-I've jumped off the coffee bandwagon yet again and the white chocolate caramel latte creamer I just bought is ensuring I stay off
-Ikea trip wherein I only spent $30 and H now has a new potty. She's quite interested in it but we haven't committed to full training quite yet. The timing's kind of crummy given all the changes coming soon so she might not get trained till this winter when I have a term break. Anyone have a fool-proof method? I was looking at
this one...
-H got blood drawn and two shots, did really well with it all. I, on the other hand, had sit for a few minutes afterwards to stop the shaking. So different when you're the one getting the bloodwork/shots (and I've had plenty this past year!) and worlds different from when you're giving them. I was always pretty matter of fact, no apologies, when I administered them, and I have no problem getting one. Trying to nerve myself up to take her in, strike the right tone between honesty and 'you'll be fine', just hold her while someone jabs her and not (in her eyes) protect her.....ugh, parenting really really sucks sometimes.
-A new obsession. Poached eggs on buttered English muffins. Words can not describe, and as soon as I finish my breakfast I start thinking about the next days'. Used to be a carton of eggs lasted weeks, sometimes months. Now it's gone in a few days.
-We're attempting our second date ever since H was born, tonight. Um, no idea what to talk about or do. Realistically we're going to scarf our food while talking about her and then go get her. But it will be nice to eat my meal when it arrives instead of feeding her...
-H is VERY into pillow piles. As a matter of fact, she now says "pillow" quite distinctly. She likes to organize them in a nest around her and fuss with them until they're just so....and then flop over and start adjusting again. Add a book to the mix and she can entertain herself for 20-30 minutes at a time. Just watch it if she even suspects you to be harboring one, though. My backside is getting sore....
-I have a red tomato. Ok, it's not dark red, perfectly ready to eat, but it's mostly red and mostly unscarred so I've picked it and am letting it shelf ripen. The first one of the year!!! Also another green pepper is growing.
-Henri can say her own name. She pronounces it like Ava does, "Hen-hee" and it's pretty cute. She looks through all our pictures and names herself whenever she sees a photo (and there's lots, lol).
See? Pretty typical week. And here's what was on the camera:
Pillow pile |
H's artwork on the fridge |
The closet! A few things under the desk are still waiting their spots, but mostly done. |
A few of my textbooks |
Study inspiration |
Flowers for the desert table |
The coming week is one in which I buckle down and read like crazy for the upcoming exams, and try to curb my enthusiasm for the adorable bundle that's arriving on Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!! (not mine (obviously) but one I get to oooh and aaahhh over)