Saturday, May 21, 2016

What a week

It has been super busy this week. After months of prep, and even more months of planning, our Ladies Tea (really a brunch) at church went off today. And I can say with no false humility, it was awesome. Of course I had my pinterest vision board established ages ago, and it seriously looked better than I had planned. Sadly, you'll only get a glimpse of the glory because my photography stinks, but just believe that it was serene and simply elegant, and "shady glen beside a trickling brook in the woods" feel. I've been up till midnight polishing silver every night this week, we had a slight panic about the moss shedding, but otherwise this pulled together perfectly. Phew!

Last Saturday we took Steve to Amsterdam Falafel

because it is amazing

I loved Hen's expression in this one, lol. She was not about to share.

Then home to "swim" in our cement mixing tub (with a whole bag of rubber duckies)

On Sunday, we went to Amsterdam Falafel. Yes, the next day. And these friends have gone again this week, so proof this place is addicting. Aaahhhhh, now I want to go again tonight!

Sunday evening after our class I brought s'more fixings and we had a little fire and fun. 

After nap snacking and hat-modeling

Monday was Steve's first softball game of the season. Probably the coldest and windiest day in months

Hudson was so excited for this day! Unfortunately, they lost. By a lot. And they lost, by a lot, on Wednesday too. Things aren't looking great for the defending champions!

The coloring pages I had made for the tea. Everyone received a copy of each in a pretty green envelope, and there were coloring pencils at the table to doodle with during the event. 

Tuesday Steve had a conference call and the kids "helped" get him set up

Hudson and I continue to eat 2 bags of these a week. 

Some of the polished silver. You'll note the front one wasn't true silver, oops...

The dandelions are in perfect blowing condition!

On Wednesday, our elderly neighbor was ill and I had to call an ambulance for him. He's since been admitted to the ICU, and we're taking care of his super sweet Tilly. The kids are in love, and she's really gentle and calm with them (head boops and belly rubs!). We'll never be able to have our own cat, so this has been a special treat (though under sad circumstances) and they're taking the responsibility very seriously.

Loading up the car on Friday to head out for set up.

Trader Joes had the perfect decor for the buffet table (and they doubled as "thank you" gifts for our caterer and speaker)

I also bought my yearly red geranium to put in my blue pot. Love how that looks.

This years ambitious line-up: Hens and chicks, a lemon tree (seed from a lemon from the grocery store), my geranium, an attempt to propagate lilacs. All but the Hens are probably doomed. 

This was our big thrill for Friday, watching this huge crane take down pine trees. See that guy in the harness? He was getting lifted over the house, looked like so much fun!

And then trees were going over the top of the house!

Found this exercise machine on the side of the road so the kids got in a quick workout.

And then Friday night set up. Forgive the next bazillion look-alike pictures, I was just so happy the tables turned out!

We did light the candles for the event. And got wax all over the tablecloths. One disaster isn't too bad!

Replacing the chairs is next on my "to-do" list

The food. Oh, the food! Mrs. Abrams made it all, and it was amazing. Sugar cookies with glitter dust

This vase was my last find, and I love it

Chocolate crepes stuffed with strawberries and brown sugared cream 

Sesame crusted curry chicken salad sandwiches

Fig and ginger chocolate dunked truffles. There was also artichoke dip, lemon curd filled filo cups with blueberries, and a lovely spring greens salad with sectioned oranges and glazed nuts. Needless to say, the diet was totally out the window today.

Some of my table hard at work coloring. 
Generally when these events are over I'm left wishing I had done something differently, and maybe that will change, but right now it really feels like it was perfect. Of course, it would have been much harder without the help of some fantastic ladies who made last night go very quickly (and some teens who did the drudge work of folding napkins and setting the tables). Now on to a very very very fun week in which (fingers soooo tightly crossed) I shall be childless for 2 (TWO!!!!) full days, and get to attend a refresher conference on obstetrics. Can't wait!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Firehouse visit

We've been outside almost every minute this week to soak up as much sun as possible (proof: massive sunburn on my left leg). Today, the playgroup we attend weekly went to the firehouse for a tour. Despite having a training session going on the firemen were extremely gracious and pulled out all the stops for us; they dressed and modeled their gear, came down the fire pole, pulled the ladder truck out of the station and raised it to its full 95' and then put it down so everyone could climb in, brought out a hose and let all the kids spray it, let the kids climb in all their trucks and touch everything (lots of bell clanging and horns and lights flashing), gave them hats and tattoos, AND they all looked like they were enjoying it as much as the kids were. Hudson now says he's going to be a fireman when he grows up (until now he was going to be a "worker man" (construction)), and after a small panic attack while the firefighters were modeling the gear Henri got in to the spirit of things and really enjoyed the hose. Then we did a quick library stop and headed over to Sabah's to tell her about our day, get loved on, and eat some delicious soup. We finished off the day with a walk and ice cream, and I'm pretty excited that tomorrow is supposed to be a rain day. It'll be nice to just sit inside to read and watch documentaries with the kids.

He found a lacrosse stick at the thrift store the other day. Much joy.

The little inchworms are out in force and Hudson is in love with them. Fortunately they don't bother me much because he's always putting one on me to hold for him

Lots of t-ball practise (Hen is out of frame fielding for him) 
Waiting to head in as a group today

Waiting for the descent

I was holding both at one point, Hen got pretty nervous once the mask went on.  
Coming down!

The officer had his hand there to make sure no one pushed any levers on this (especially the moms, lol!)

Definitely the highlight for both (and their flowers got very well watered!)

Everyone else was a little hesitant and had some help pushing the lever. Henri marched right up and threw it to full open.

She was pretty tickled

Inside the cab

Hen with her good friend Lila

The usual attempt to get a whole-group picture. Completely unsuccessful.

Snack time to wrap it up (plus cupcakes to celebrate the first birthday of one of the girls)
All in all a very fun day :)