Saturday, August 17, 2013

Hello, Hudson!

He's here!!! I'll post the birth story later, once I've slept more than 2 hours (this child loooooves his boobies and accepts no substitutes, snoozes included) but I'm quite pleased to introduce you to Hudson Mark:

Oh, wait, that was my first view of him. Yeah, long story to come, but in the meantime, clearly this was not the planned VBAC. But know what? I'm pretty OK with how it all went down. I regret the promised easier recovery had we managed a vaginal delivery, but everyone made it out alive and somewhat sane (a state I'd seriously doubted when I was in the middle of 3 minute contractions every minute...) and it's a familiar state, this post-surgery one, so it's not scary like before.

HEEEERE'S Hudson! I'll try not to gush too much, but this little guy is beyond adorable. Seriously, cutest thing you've ever seen. He has dark blond red hair (totally red in the sunlight; yay!), his dad's nose and eyes (but blue, like mine) and my lack of a chin. Yet he looks exactly like Henri did at this age. We could just use the same baby pictures. Actually, since we don't have all that many, maybe I will...

Here's Henri meeting Hudson. She'd spent the day (and night) with a wonderful friend I will never be able to repay and was thrilled to visit me at the hospital. She was politely interested in Hud, seems not to mind me holding him all the time, and is very eager to help in ways we'd discussed prior to his birth (paci-inserter, diaper gatherer and disposer, singer). She liked the idea of holding him, even when he was crying, but he takes up more than her lap so it's a little difficult to manage right now.

Haha, she seems amused by his yelling.

Grandma Schoeffler was able to make the very long drive down to see him and hang with me for a bit (very appreciated!!!) We wish she could have stayed longer but hope to head to NY the end of Sept for a proper visit and bonding time

Home. He actually napped the whole ride (15 minutes) and it was glorious to have the quiet.
So, the stats: Born August 14th, 2013.
                     Weight: 8# 15oz (why yes, that is 1oz less than 9#. He's chunky)
                     Length: 21"
Short labor story: BIG question as to whether or not my membranes had ruptured, and if they had it was definitely for meconium and it'd been a few days. High infection risk. Was told to call with contractions every 8 minutes. At 1145pm on Tuesday I woke up with contractions. They were 8 minutes apart. I showered, walked, bounced on the ball. Within an hour they'd gone from 8 to 5 to 2 minutes apart lasting 1.5 minutes. I called the midwife, we headed to the hospital, I was begging for death....and I was only 2cm. But they kept me and I popped into the tub. And then demanded an epidural about 15 later. I had no break in the contractions (my uterus never relaxed) and the contractions were lasting 3 minutes each, and, well....guess I have no pain tolerance. At all. But midwife checked and I'd gone from 2 to 5cm in less than an hour. HUGE victory. I'm thrilled with that. My body can labor! Not well, but it did it. And I got the epidural and then 11 hours happened (I'll do the whole story later) and we went for a c-section. He had a little trouble at first and needed some resuscitation but perked right up and is fine. And I was fine. And Steve was fine. In fact, I think we were both really relaxed this time around. I was impressed with what Steve had the presence of mind to ask and do, and he was very hands on as soon as he was allowed next to the crib. And then they brought this little turtle over to me and I've been gushing every since. He is so cute! Not a great personality yet, all he does is cry and nurse, but I saw a smile last night and he's going to be a charmer.
Anyway, we're home and enjoying our first night as a family of 4. Henri stayed busy entertaining Bo and playing with his balloons, we ate a delicious meal prepared by the wonderful Jessica, and just now our considerate neighbors set off fireworks to celebrate Hudson's safe arrival. Hopefully he'll sleep a bit tonight (I'm not exaggerating....he takes 15 minute naps and then is back to nursing nonstop all day and night) and then we start normal life up tomorrow trying to adjust.
We're thrilled he's here and can't imagine life without him. Well, I can imagine sleep, but that's just part of the newborn phase, right? Right? Please tell me it's just a phase.....More photos and gushing soon!