Monday, May 9, 2016

Two in one night. Or, the beginning of May

May came in like a lion, guess it skipped April. But we finally have sunshine today, and it's supposed to be that way all week!!! Hudson has a cold and has been a massive grouch, but we spent the day outside today and that helped a lot. The week is filling up, but not too packed yet. I'm letting housework slide like crazy so that we can take advantage of the weather (also, the more we're outside, the less dirt accumulates inside).

So, Allie brought these from Spain last year. And I just found them at Market Basket so I got her a few. But then I ate one. And then I ate the other. I'll have to buy more next time...

My thrift find for the year. $29, this tub was filled to the brim with Legos. Mostly star wars stuff I'm guessing, and I don't know if any of the sets are complete, but who cares?!?!?! The kids just want to build random stuff anyway.

There were 80+ people alone. I spent 3 hours just sorting the people out of the bin....and then I gave up and the thing is sitting in my living room. Pros: the kids play with them all day, every day. Cons: stepping on them. And there are tiny pieces everywhere. I've already vacuumed some up. 

Our "garden". 6 bean plants are up, and a gazillion carrots. They'll need thinning soon. 

The leaves are all out. 

And my hostas and peonies are doing quite nicely

Steve and the kids celebrated Nurses Day for me :)

And I celebrated by taking the kids to try Amsterdam Falafel where they serve only Dutch-style french fries and (can you guess??) falafels!!! Miiiiiight have to go back this week....

You get your falafel on wheat pita, then you go down the line and add all these awesome fresh toppings (tons of pickled veggie salads, humus, tahini, dill sauce, garlic mayo....all good). And for the fries they have peanut sauce, regular ketchup, curry ketchup (my favorite!), and garlic mayo. 

Attempting to spray paint. How do graffiti artists do it? Mine goes everywhere except where I want it to. Anyway, more Ladies Tea prep. Can't wait for it to be over. 

On Saturday we got a babysitter and went on a real date! Went in to Boston for some Thai curry, Steve got a frozen yogurt, I went to bubble tea spot (whoever thought to put tapioca pearls in an iced beverage was a genius), and then we went to Jordan Hall for a concert

A very intimate and comfortable theater. I'd only been to Symphony Hall before, this one has much better seating.

Steve went for the third act which was Rachmaninoff's Concerto #3, but I most enjoyed the second piece they played. No idea what it was, but the timpani player should get his own show, he was hysterical. I couldn't stop laughing. 

Hudson is always "working" which translates to "pile all the chairs, pillows, bedding, and contents of the recycling bin in the spot most necessary for walking and pitch a fit if anything is moved a centimeter". 

My Mother's Day gift, Yes, really. Hudson was very excited I could cook him eggs again (our old one died a few months ago). I made pancakes for supper instead.

Hen made me a picture frame all by herself.
And that was last week. Not pictured; me finally going across the monkey bars (still can't do a pull up), Hudson climbing out of his crib every morning (guess it's time to convert the crib to a toddler bed), Hudson thinks all smallish furry creatures are foxes and screams out their name every time he sees one...except he pronounces it f**k so I'm getting censorious looks, a gang of preteens we met while out on a walk Sunday wishing me a Happy Mother's Day (awwww, hope for the future!).

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