Thursday, May 12, 2016

Firehouse visit

We've been outside almost every minute this week to soak up as much sun as possible (proof: massive sunburn on my left leg). Today, the playgroup we attend weekly went to the firehouse for a tour. Despite having a training session going on the firemen were extremely gracious and pulled out all the stops for us; they dressed and modeled their gear, came down the fire pole, pulled the ladder truck out of the station and raised it to its full 95' and then put it down so everyone could climb in, brought out a hose and let all the kids spray it, let the kids climb in all their trucks and touch everything (lots of bell clanging and horns and lights flashing), gave them hats and tattoos, AND they all looked like they were enjoying it as much as the kids were. Hudson now says he's going to be a fireman when he grows up (until now he was going to be a "worker man" (construction)), and after a small panic attack while the firefighters were modeling the gear Henri got in to the spirit of things and really enjoyed the hose. Then we did a quick library stop and headed over to Sabah's to tell her about our day, get loved on, and eat some delicious soup. We finished off the day with a walk and ice cream, and I'm pretty excited that tomorrow is supposed to be a rain day. It'll be nice to just sit inside to read and watch documentaries with the kids.

He found a lacrosse stick at the thrift store the other day. Much joy.

The little inchworms are out in force and Hudson is in love with them. Fortunately they don't bother me much because he's always putting one on me to hold for him

Lots of t-ball practise (Hen is out of frame fielding for him) 
Waiting to head in as a group today

Waiting for the descent

I was holding both at one point, Hen got pretty nervous once the mask went on.  
Coming down!

The officer had his hand there to make sure no one pushed any levers on this (especially the moms, lol!)

Definitely the highlight for both (and their flowers got very well watered!)

Everyone else was a little hesitant and had some help pushing the lever. Henri marched right up and threw it to full open.

She was pretty tickled

Inside the cab

Hen with her good friend Lila

The usual attempt to get a whole-group picture. Completely unsuccessful.

Snack time to wrap it up (plus cupcakes to celebrate the first birthday of one of the girls)
All in all a very fun day :)

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