Thursday, November 14, 2013

Happy 3 Months!

Hudson is three months today. 3 very short months ago the horrible shaking from the huge dose of drugs I'd been given was finally wearing off and we were settled in our room. I assume I was nursing, because that's about all he did for the first 4 days of his life, and Steve and I were just in awe of how strong and instantaneous our love for a second child could hit. Hudson had a ton of red spikey hair, a very grumpy face, and the cutest pudge rolls. He still has the last 2 but his hair has mostly fallen out and is coming back in darker. I know second kids get less than the first, but I think he's holding his own pretty well. He might not get picked up as fast as Henri did, but he is very vocal and does not suffer a slight lightly. He's also a cuddler and seems more socially aware than Hen did at this age (or we're just better at interpreting "baby"). I can safely say that I'm his favorite person (Steve was always Henri's) but he's pretty delighted to see Steve and Henri whenever they're around. A few other things he's up to:

Sleep: Naps only occur in someone's arms or in the baby carrier. He's been taking a 2 hour afternoon nap lately but only in the context of nursing and me holding him. Generally he nurses to sleep around 9:30 though the past few nights has fallen asleep at 0830. Sleeps through the night until 7ish. I'm assuming he'll be like Henri and move his bedtime by himself to 8. Of course he got some shots today so I'm expecting a disrupted night tonight.

Food: Super, very, immensely thrilled to report he is, and always has been, exclusively breastfed. Nary a nip of formula has passed those precious lips. Not that I'm against formula, mind you. Saved my sanity and health with Henri, I just prefer the convenience and health benefits of breastfeeding. First few weeks were painfully rough of course, but I was expecting the absolute worst after Henri, and this has been a breeze. I even have a little surplus socked away in the freezer. And he does love to eat :)

Size: He's 50% for weight (14# 9oz), 95% for length (26") and waaaaay off the charts for head circumference (44cm). I think he's a chunker but that's because Henri never made it to the charts. I just put away most of his 3mo clothing as it's all too short so he's in 3-6mo stuff. Not a very sentimental moment as he was in them for so short of a time

Likes: Mom, Dad, Henri, looking at himself in the mirror, tv (yikes), sucking his fingers (his newest skill this week. And he's LOUD when he does it), giving wet sloppy kisses, dancing, standing up

Dislikes: Wet or poopy diapers, being put down, sudden loud noises (Henri dumping legos out near his head when he's almost asleep on the rug elicits particularly terrifying screams), not being included at the dinner table, his pacifiers, tummy time.

I'd say the adjustment to 2 kids has been much smoother than the one to 1. That's not to say it hasn't been tough and I've had plenty of thoughts of running away, but Steve and I know it's only a stage and really, we're already out of the newborn phase so it can only get better from here!
I found him a jumperoo on Craigslist the other day as he's not a consistent fan of his swing and so far it's been a big hit (I know, I know, these pictures are all pretty much the same, but he's too stinkin cute to put up just one!):

We have a concordance under him cause he's still a bit stubby

His favorite part is that he's closer to eye level with Henri

Victory! He managed to pull the cloth off so he could chew directly on the seat

aaand then he switched to his fist

Fingers! He just sucks the tips, otherwise he gags himself

slowly sinking
I'm sure this next month will be an exciting time of change for him. He'll continue to cement his place in our hearts, and I'll continue to brag :D


Anonymous said...

I LOVE a baby post!! He is so absolutely adorable. I am glad you did not share just one. Those Jumperoos ALWAYS look like so much fun.

Jen Oliver said...
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Jen Oliver said...

he is pretty adorable...
glad he hates his dirty diapers; maybe he will take to the potty better than Charlie has. not that Charlie LIKES dirty diapers...he's just more than willing to live with them, to avoid the potty. and as i can't seem to live with cleaning up puddles of pee every 20 minutes or less, he is in pull-ups instead of the training pants we bought a few weeks ago. (((she cowers in shame))). *sigh*

Meredith said...

Jen, I haven't even started potty training Hen; Mom never did till we were almost 3 and able to dress ourselves/get ourselves up on the big potty. I'd much rather change a diaper than clean the house! Anyway, the pediatrician said that closer to 3 is the best time to start (no regressions...) so I'll probably wait till spring when she can go naked for a day or two and be done with it. If it's a stress, it's not worth it (unless you need something to stress about, and then in that case go ahead!):) I'm told boys are a lot harder to train, though, so I'm sure I'll be pulling my hair out in a few years!