Monday, November 25, 2013

Some Phone Photos

I just synced up my phone and cleaned it all off as I was out of memory space, so here are a few photos from the past week or so. Aaaand they posted backwards.

Gramma gave us window markers a while back and we like to keep our door window current with the holidays

Remember how I said he was sleeping through the night? Jinx!!!! Up 'till midnight then up 3x to fuss and nurse....I'm really sick of it. He's enjoying access to his parents bed as well as lounging around till 9am. Very jealous.

Impossible to get a decent toddler shot Exhibit A: She insisted on me taking one of her but only wanted to fake sleep.

First time participating at the playground. He looks unsure here but seemed to enjoy it, fell asleep on the walk back so I'll say it was a success

Art projects. Finger painting and chalk painting

Sorry, it rotated. But do you see the savings? 100%. Yes folks,. there is a rather amazing deal going on at Shaw's right now where you can make some serious cash. I made $113 and am (impatiently) waiting for my store to restock their gift cards so I can keep going. Major  couponing high going on over here...

New winter hat. My little fuzzy bear :)

It has ears!

Finally starting to be able to capture some of his grins

Well, I thought we were going to have a roller by the end of the week, but he's shown no further interest. Tummy time continues to be a bust, he refuses to use his arms and mostly just screams.

Ugh, rotated again. Anyway, out of the blue he took his paci and now seems to enjoy it

Taking advantage of any moderate temperatures

More jumperoos!

How he sucks his fingers :)
This month has blinked past and I'm already behind on everything for December. Just started my baking for Thursday and there's a cranberry bread cooling on the counter. Now to keep a certain someone who's name rhymes with "Jeeve" out of it for the next few days....


Genevieve said...

They are just the cutest! I especially love the ones of him in that adorable hat and the one of her fake sleeping, haha!!

Anonymous said...

How to pick a FAVORITE picture when they are all so cute! :) Love both their winter hats. Those savings are AMAZING!!! I can never seem to do that.