This has been one of the lowest-key approaches to Christmas I can remember. Maybe because I did all my shopping online in a 3 day blitz, maybe because I still haven't wrapped anything so am just assuming I really did get everything I need, maybe because there's not one big thing I'm really excited to see if the recipient likes...I don't know, it's been really calm. And pleasant. Henri is home this week which is wonderful. I've really missed her. I have hopes and plans for starting some new traditions on Wednesday but have also been a parent long enough to know my dreams will probably not translate to reality, and I'm fine with that. I was invited to a party that evening but I think I'll use the time once the kids are in bed to have my own reflection time, do some candle watching, probably knit. Because I have (re)discovered the joys of the super bulky weight yarn. Waaaaaay too much fun. My apologies to any who will be gifted the fruits of my labors. It's really hard to resist making a zillion hats or scarves or what-have-yous when it takes just a few hours and Ravelry is so well stocked with new ideas. My poor sweater, the one that was supposed to be for last spring, sits collecting dust while I'm enthusiastic about these unnecessary projects.
Anyway, what have we been up to? Hm. Henri's Christmas program at school, lots of baking for various school and church events, helping out our older neighbor, making and delivering fudge to the neighbors (and finally meeting the newest ones), library trips, Christmas cookies and Lessons and Carols at church, babysitting, sweeping up pine needles countless times a day (never had a tree shed this much!), knitting, shoveling, farm visiting, trail wandering.
On the latest visit to Drumlin Farm, Hudson decided he does indeed love sheep. We are trying hard to convince Steve of the immediate need of owning a small hobby farm. ("think of the savings in yarn!" is the newest tactic...) |
Oh little boys. He is solidly in the joys of the 3rd year, but he still has his mama moments. |
Trying to get him out in the "woods" as much as possible. The first 10 minutes he wants to go back. Then he finds something that piques his interest and we explore it a bit. And then he's off, and an hour later I'm the one begging to go back inside and he's having fun. Wish we lived where it would be feasible to kick him out on his own each day, but having a little area down the road is a fine substitute for now. |
Some of the cowls I've forced on poor souls in the name of Christmas charity :D |
Forgive the background; Henri ready for her program and Hudson in the most adorable coat ever. He looks like a little old man, especially when I button it up and do the belt. |
She (and her entire class) was a sheep. A rather grouchy one. She says she was just bored, haha. Anyway, she performed well and knew all the words and hand motions. |
The biggest reason we still have a 30 year old, falling apart, cheap table: I don't want to worry about ruining a nice one. And when you're fine with your kids using Sharpies, I think it's a safe bet that tables will get ruined. |
We replaced the seal on our freezer door. What You-Tube declared was a 3 minute project somehow took 3 hours and the seal is still suspect. At least it's not moldy any more. |
And thankfully it was below freezing so we could just put all our stuff outside. |
Babysat a sweet 6-month old. Hudson was in heaven, that boy adores babies beyond reason. He was positive I know nothing about caring for kids and was adamant that only he knew how to feed, change, wipe up, entertain L. So he did the work, all I had to do was keep Hudson from loving on L too hard and give him some breathing space once in awhile. Within 3 minutes of his arrival, Hudson was saying "Mom, we need to get one of these. Can I have one?". Ha. Nope. Sorry. Henri maintains the same attitude she always has; babies are fine, she just doesn't see the thrill but she's willing to put up with them. |
Lots of slush to shovel |
More woods walking after school. I've switched the schedule so that we play outside the minute we get home, otherwise there's no daylight for it. |
The "creek" is still running. |
Had an extra fussy afternoon so I stuck him back in the Lillebaby. They must put some kind of baby ativan on it or something, because it remains the single most effective way to chill both my kids and put them in better moods. He snuggled down for a bit until he could face the world again, and then hung out for another hour until I kicked him off. Kid is getting heavy! |
Our first attempts at bath bombs. Used too much water, and they kept rising. I'd stuff them back in the mold, and 10 minutes later it would be dripping off the counter again. They finally calmed down and hardened, and the second batch went more smoothly. The kids are enjoying dropping them into water to watch the fizzing. |
Hudson's last class of the semester, he'll start right back up again in 2 weeks, same time and group. I hope same group at least. Because he's especially fond of Ella. They sit on the balance beam together and hold hands while the teacher explains the next move. |
Last day of school lunch! (Henri was in pj's because they had a pj party at school...) |
Neighbor gifts |
This amazing cookie recipe I found on Pinterest (of course). Very Christmasy with honey, nuts, orange zest, ground cloves, and cinnamon all wrapped in a flakey pie crust. Many involved steps that was totally worth it. |
Last night's hat. Supposed to be a gift, but it's so warm and soft that I wore it all day today. |
We've been doing this together for so long now that we even coordinate our clothing color scheme without conferring.
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