Thursday, October 6, 2016


The loose tooth that just wouldn't give up. So Steve yanked it with gauze. Unfortunately he also told her the tooth fairy didn't exist, so there goes all childhood innocence for both her and Hudson. 

This is for my mom; a few streets over this guy has an insane garden, he could probably feed the whole block for a year out of it. Had a great squash year.

This tree always turns first, and always has the best leaves. 

He loves music

Hard to see, but it says "You have a friend in....FLORIDA". Didn't know Jesus had a summer place. 

At playgroup this week I had the kids hammer leaves so the color transferred on to paper. They has a blast, but I overlooked how insanely loud that was going to be.....

Took Saba out to our favorite falafel spot. Just discovered they have a loyalty card. I would have a lot of free meals by now!

Nightly homework. Generally I make them go outside the minute we get home since it gets dark so early, and is only going to get worse. She's good about knocking out her math sheets  quickly.

New baby rhubarb leaves! It survived transplanting the beginning of the season AND the drought we've had, so I'm optimistic that in a few years I'll have a decent patch to pick from. I miss Grandma Elsie's a lot. 

My geranium in  a blue pot continues to do well. It always makes me happy to walk by it 

He found some rotted wood riddled with insect holes. And then the bugs started crawling out of the wood and he was thrilled to build houses for them. I made him remove them from near my house; wood devouring critters do not belong in my home!

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