Monday, June 2, 2014


Hello gorgeous weather! And hello 50 billion outfit changes a day for Hudson. It's going to be nice when it's warm enough to set him out naked so I just have to hose him off when he comes in. In other news, Hud is going to have a digestion (and immunity) of steel. That boy is fast when it comes to eating nonfood substances. Some repetitive looks at our day:

Setting the choke

Laundry peek-a-boo

Hm, typical expression

Selfie attempts

He looooves to be outside

Hen and her faithful hound, follows her everywhere

Never still a minute

She begged to use the camera, and she's pretty good! I rarely get my subjects head fully in the frame

Hud's turn to mow

A little repair work

Another photo by Hen. 

She wanted to be photographed standing on the bulkhead

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

Glad you have lawn mowing lovers too. Love these photos, always looks like they have so much fun! And his hair, omg!! :) :) :)