What a fun and busy day! We all got up around 6 and opened baskets and had a small egg hunt in the living room. Hudson got some baby yogurt drops in his eggs and Henri got her favorite gummy snacks. Then a mad dash to finish up all the cooking I needed to do for lunch, getting everyone dressed in their coordinating outfits (this year it was shades of pink, grey, and navy blue), and off to church for our annual breakfast. Lots of visitors and it was LOUD! Really fun. Henri went to children's church and the teens put on a special puppet show for the kids which she really enjoyed. I try to keep the kids with me in service for the first half which is the songs and readings, but Hudson decided to sing during prayer so I took him to nursery. He actually lasted until final prayer so I got to hear the sermon! (He started to scream when his snacks ran out, haha). Then the church puts on an egg hunt for all the kids. This year Henri learned there was real candy inside the eggs (last year she just played with the eggs) and she was thrilled. I told her she couldn't have any, but then she handed me a chocolate and said I could have one while she had one, so I figured it wouldn't hurt :) Lunch was our traditional meal at our friends, the Allen's, and like always there was a ton of amazing food and great fellowship. We changed up the routine a bit by driving to
Arnold Arboretum for our post meal walk. Then it was time to head home....with a detour to the auto parts store for a battery as ours was completely dead. It's nice to have a car that starts when you turn the key! Anyway, now watching the marathon on tv and imagining that I could do that some day while acknowledging the fact that I can't run a foot. We'll probably settle for a walk to the park later on :)
Henri checking out her etch a sketch, Hudson examining his puffs |
His first cuppie! He figured out Henri's straw cup and loves water, so he got his own. He's very excited |
Clearly she had a good time egg hunting |
Showing off more candy |
My boys |
Oh boy, more candy |
Gorgeous day for a walk |
Still a little early for much to have bloomed. Probably gorgeous in a week or two |
All snuggled in and refusing to nap |
The walking gang |
Hen with her friend MJ. Clearly lack of a nap is starting to show. |
All the forsythia was in bloom |
Us :) |
1 comment:
Loved your post. If you get copies made of that family picture, I WANT ONE!!!!
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