Everyone says "time flies" and I usually roll my eyes at it, but really, these past two months have
flown. We are at the point where Hudson is a very normal part of our lives, and in fact Henri was surprised when I reminded her the other day that we haven't always had Hudson (also disbelieving; I hadn't realized I would be considered foolish quite so soon). He's a pretty good baby (whatever that means) and has his quirks. I'll mention that he normally sleeps from 9:30 till about 7, but of course last night he didn't start to wind down until midnight and even then only gave us 5 hours (and was a grump all day today). He recognizes our voices and faces and gets a huge grin when we come into view. I've heard him laugh a few times in response to something we've said and it's adorable. He loves to be naked, toasty warm, and cuddled (just not at the same time). Hudson still hates the pacifier but enjoys sucking on his fist/trying to stuff the whole thing in his mouth. He's a good nurser (I mean, anything is fabulous after Henri!) and has the most annoying whiny cry when he's bored or frustrated. He's also very determined not to miss out on anything and expects to be included at the family dinner table and wants a running commentary while we're in the car. He's definitely my love bug and we're so glad he's ours!
Current stats:
H: 24"
W: 13# 5oz (this was after not eating for the past 4 hours, though...)
HC: 42cm (still off the growth chart on this one)
And a few attempts at a decent picture of him. He was talking and smiling a ton until that suspicious-looking camera made it's appearance....also, the shadow on all of them? Was driving me nuts until I realized it was me. Oops.
He's good at looking quietly pleased |
Chubby thighs |
Trying to figure out the camera |
Hen wanted in on the action...just not on the blue pillow. So there were tears. |
Look how little he is! Or how big Henri is! |
Smirking |
Hen giving him a bath tonight |
He was loving it, just listening intently here to something she was telling him. Or maybe hating all the pinkness he's surrounded by. |
Meredith I just LOVE your writing voice. You crack me up! Adorable pics. He is so cute! Love watching the sibling bond develop in your pics. :)
Hudson looks like such a healthy content little guy. Henri such a good helper too.
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