Greetings! As you might have heard, the weather man was right for the first time since I've moved to MA and we
finally got some snow. Not quite the "blizzard from which we are all going to die and never recover" like they tried to make it seem, but snow enough to keep Steve busy shoveling for a day and Henri giddy with joy. I did not participate in any of the festivities, since I was at the hospital/birth center from Friday at noon until Sunday morning. During that time I had 2 births, triaged and managed an additional 4 labors, sat with a woman for literally 24 hours during her labor and birth, and got 4 hours of sleep total. I will not say I had the worst end of the bargain, but I will say that the highlight of my time was the french fries in the cafeteria and I'd left some amazing meals behind for the family.....Anyway, we all survived, Henri had a wonderful time with her dad, and she clearly didn't miss me too much because she was thrilled to head to school today and casually asked when I'd be headed to work (tonight for a 12, if you're curious as well).
The week before Henri and I made a quick trip to Vermont to see Dustin and Katie. (Side note: on the trip I mentioned we were now in VT and Henri made the connection that is where Papa lives. Ask her where Papa lives, her pronunciation of Vermont is almost as cute as her one of Massachusetts ("where does Daddy live?")). Henri is really a great traveling child. She doesn't like her new car seat too much, but she only complains when it's been a really long trip. She slept the first 2 hours, we stopped for a walk break, and then we sang and chatted the rest of the way home. She reads books to herself, tells me about her day or what she's seeing out the's fun. And Dustin is adorable and happy unless he's hungry or tired, in which case he just eats or sleeps and is happy again. Henri showed minimal interest in him, didn't care when I held him, and spent her time harassing Anna. I love the dynamic between the two of them. Anna's attitude towards H is very much what mine was towards her at that age; barely tolerant. Henri's is the same as Anna's was: entitled. So Henri spends her time assuming Anna will do as she wishes and Anna finds herself doing what Henri wants. It's nice payback, and a great break for me. Also very effective birth control for Anna should she ever have thoughts of wanting her own child :)
There's been little time in the past month for us as a family, and we all have a long weekend coming up with no obligations (that I'm aware of) scheduled. We haven't booked anything, but I think we might take a quick trip up to Maine for a night. I'm hoping for a heated pool, Henri would love some beach time (even if it's below zero) and a family time away from home responsibilities would be lovely. Maybe we'll just talk about it and get the fun from that without the financial commitment :)
He's already had one haircut :) |
"Helping" her favorite person |
Love all his expressions |
Chatting with Aunt Anna |
Something was funny |
He's just a love bug |
Henri taking over Anna's room; her phone, her music, her stuffed animals, her bed.... |
Snow starting to fall on Friday |
Clearly not all the time was spent on shoveling.... |
Saturday morning |
After some work and help from the neighbors snow blower |
Lots of drifts |
Bedtime stories |
Toddler fashion |
Biggest pregnancy craving so far. I bought this Thursday, and this was taken Sunday night after me being gone all weekend...I put it on everything and it helps with heartburn. Can't do yogurt because then I hurt, but hot sauce (and yes, I've drunk it straight from the bottle) is soothing. Kids do really weird things to you. |
Not much else on tap for a bit. Just putting in a lot of time at the hospital, lots of projects that suddenly really need to get done
now, the usual home stuff, finishing up a hat for a client, doctors appt tomorrow (I can feel my uterine fundus!, lol), perusing Pinterest for valentine's ideas for Henri's classmates.....Hope you all enjoyed the snow as much as we did, and that you're staying safe in this freezing rain we're getting now. :)
1 comment:
So glad you survived the "snopocolypse!" :) Dustin is a cutie... he seems so relaxed and happy. He's so dark! I think it's so funny you're into hot sauce... when I was queasy during my first trimester (and some of the 2nd) I could only eat spicy foods... I had a lot of jalapeno sandwhiches, pizza, etc. Of course, now that I'm breastfeeding I don't get to have any jalapenos at all! The things a mother will do for her baby! :)
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