I had big plans for this week, and most of it actually got done, but it was not the peaceful, rested and happy time I had been envisioning. Henri's cold got worse so I was home with her for four days. And she was a tearful mess. Fortunately she'd improved to just a toddler hack by Wednesday so I sent her to school (where she had a wonderful time) and then I came down with the cold on Thursday morning. Needless to say, the house remains a wreck, gifts are still not wrapped, and crafting did not occur. But everyone was fed, laundry was done, and I have just one paper left to write for this semester! I've been baking today to get ready for our church's cookie and coffee night on Sunday when we have a special song service. The nutella sea salt fudge was splendid. My attempts at peppermint meringues appear to be a complete flop. I have two more kinds to go (red velvet whoopie pies and a Yugoslavian Christmas bar) so there's hope yet.
Most of these pictures where taken on the same day when H was looking cute and the sun was out, and as you can see the model was NOT cooperative. At least I'm giving an accurate representation of life in these parts :)
This is a few weeks ago when we went to get our tree; H loved how they smelled and kept hugging them :) |
First snow! |
I think she was watching Steve trim the base of the tree |
My attempt at the Christmas light shot that makes kids look so angelic. Clearly a fail on many levels |
Morning attire |
We had differing visions of how this photo shoot would go.... |
Minimally cooperative.... |
And then full-out rebellion. How dare I ask her to sit for two seconds on the bench she normally loves to climb on?!?!?!?!?! |
And once that gasping fit had slowed, another began because her hair was irking her.... |
But all was better once she spotted my water bottle and could "cheers!" hers against it... |
Last weeks art project. I'd wanted painted letters in H's room, but getting enough to spell out Henrietta is a expensive, and I had a large wall to fill (I know, this photo doesn't show scale well), so I painted canvases and stenciled/painted animals to represent her name: Hedgehog, Elk, Newt, Rabbit, Ibex, Elephant, Turtle, Toucan, Ant. She likes to name them off before she goes to bed, though she thinks the hedgehog is a sheep and the elk is a cow. Pretty close, I think. |
The hedgehog. I thought he was so cute, and as it's Papa's trademark animal, and as H inquires about her Papa at least a few times a day, I thought it was a nice tie in. |
Back to a normal-for-us schedule this week with two on-call shifts at the hospital and one in clinic. I'm hoping to get out of my Sunday shift so we can spend some time with Steve's family for Christmas; either way it's going to be a super short trip :( I think we're going to Skype a "Happy Birthday" to Papa, and then plunk the young 'un in bed, and then bake some more. Have a lovely (warm) weekend!
I love you! --Steven
I LOVE your canvas art. That was a great idea. I am not at all creative like that but how I wish I was.The pig pajamas are soooo cute. Would you share your Nutella sea salt fudge recipe? That sounds mmmmmmnnn!!
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