We've been playing tourist and my camera and phone reflect that. Katie, my sister-in-law, is in town visiting for a few days so we've been dragging her about...because of my sense of direction she's probably had to walk a lot more than she was planning. But she's been a good sport and I think we're having fun :) We did Harvard on Thursday, Boston yesterday (Henri LOVED the Aquarium, I was surprised, but she was enthralled with the fish and was content to just watch them and point and squeal for their attention), and today we met up with the folks in Quechee for a little VT air. There's a nice Cabot's shop where we sample all the cheeses (and bought some for a later treat) and then we ate a picnic and looked at the Gorge and headed to King Arthur's for a few necessary and not-so-necessary items. Tomorrow after church I hope to stop by the Birth Center for their Family Day and then, fingers crossed, it's on to Maine! I have all our bathing suits laid out (you will NOT be seeing a picture of me in mine but it's rather adorable) and am strategizing outfit changes for Henri and such.
Yesterday is on my phone, but here's a few images from today:
Oh, this is from a few days ago. H is into all accessories |
New health kick; kale and mango smoothies. So delicious, so not filling. |
What it looks like mixed. Tastes like desert |
Here's today! We all arrive and greet |
Hello! |
A quick sit on the boar |
The motto |
and the spread. Yum! |
Katie :) |
H likes to shop |
She hunted treasure while we ate |
The whole gang (Papa put his kerchief on Henri and she was enamored of it so it stayed on for quite some time) |
Family portrait, haha |
Talking about Baby T |
A bit distant, but H gives delicious hugs when she's in the mood. Here she's giving some love to Aunt Anna |
Love how much H loves her Papa |
Showing off her flowers |
We were here! |
She wasn't happy being in the pack today |
Quechee Gorge. A very long way to fall. |
Checking out the view |
Hope to have lots more to share in the next few days. Happy weekend!
Really enjoyed the pictures of everyone. :) That little Cabot onesie is ADORABLE!!!I think we need to pick one up some time. Always happy to spread the Cabot word.:) When is little Baby T expected?
OOPS!!! That last comment was from me. Guess Salinn never signed out.
Busy, busy!
I need your mango/kale recipe!!! I'm trying to eat healthier food for the baby, but it's hard! Kale is a good one. Can you post the recipe or send it to jennifer.williams@co.clay.mn.us?
Thank you!!!
And I don't see a mark on H's face :) She must be all better!
Me again! :) I wanted to respond to your ballet comment... you should totally try it! Some ballet studios have "mommy and me" classes that are really cute! Ballet IS expensive... usually ranging $15-$20 per class... I think participating in the recital is always optional, but they encourage it since ballet is a performance art. I would ask up front what the recital policy is and how much it costs... we were shocked when Sophia's costume alone was $60, and admission tickets to see our daughter's recital were $20 each! Crazy expensive! Henri looks like a total ham... I bet she would LOVE it. :) And I bet you have some really great variety and choices over there on the East Coast!
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